Cryptic Cravings
attentive to my brother, as kind and focused on him as he could be.
    “Isn’t it past your bedtime?” I final y asked.
    I could see Alexander had a longing for my younger sibling, as if he was missing one himself. He seemed delighted by the attention.
    I let the two talk for a few more minutes before I led, or rather pushed, my little brother out of my room. Alexander and I had enough distractions to deal with and I wanted my precious alone time with him.
    I thought now would be a good time to bring up what I’d learned from my conversation with Luna at Hatsy’s Diner. I sat on the bed with Alexander and entwined my fingers with his. “Sebastian real y likes Luna,” I said.
    “Yes, I can see that.”
    “No. I mean they’ve talked future and everything.”
    “Yeah . . . ?”
    “I think they are going to get married.”
    Alexander laughed. “Sebastian? I don’t think so.”
    “Luna seems to think so. And the way he drools al over her, I wouldn’t be surprised. . . .”
    “You don’t know Sebastian that wel then.” Alexander continued to laugh.
    “Wel , maybe he found the right one,” I said.
    “For today.”
    “I think this is different,” I tried to tel him.

    “Because he bit her.” I looked him straight in the eyes. But Alexander wasn’t impressed.
    “But didn’t he say the same thing about Becky? That she was different?” Alexander asked.
    “I guess . . .”
    “Do you know how many times I’ve heard him say that?” Alexander said with a grin. “That’s what vampires do, they bite.”
    “But you don’t.”
    “Not yet . . .” He lifted my hair from my neck and nibbled it, sending me into giggles.
    Then he took my hand. “Sebastian’s only heard me say I was in love once. About a girl I met when I came to this town.”
    My heart melted. Alexander was truly dreamy. His soulful eyes stared into mine and I kissed him with al my love.
    When we finished our embrace, I thought again about our conversation. “But with Luna—Sebastian seems to be sure this time,” I said. “And he’s acting on it—though impulsively,” I lamented.
    “Raven, I don’t live my life based on what everyone else is doing. I never have. And I thought you didn’t either.
    That’s one of the reasons I’m so attracted to you.”
    He was right. Why did I have to live my life differently—or expect things for Alexander and me because of anyone else? I’d been living according to my rules since I was born. And now, because Luna came to town, I was going to adjust my whole existence to keep up with hers? And worse, I was trying to do the same for Alexander.
    But I couldn’t get past her. She struck me to the core. It wasn’t rational but emotional.
    “It’s normal to be jealous sometimes,” Alexander said. “But what are you jealous of, real y? A guy who meets a girl and, without a thought, bites her at a party? What if Sebastian goes to another party? How wil she feel then?”
    I guess I was jealous that Luna was a vampire and I was stil a mortal. That she was bitten and I wasn’t. And that she thought she was getting married . . . and I stil wasn’t sure. But was I brave enough to say al those things to Alexander? To confront him out of fear and not out of love? And because of one impulsive person and another shifty one, to make him prove things to me he might not be ready to prove?
    Alexander pul ed me to him and took my face into his hands. “I hope that biting you isn’t the only way I can convince you of my love for you. It’s not that I don’t want to. And it’s not that I don’t think about it every day. I’ve loved you from the first moment I saw you.”
    He stared so deeply into my eyes that I could see myself in them. For a moment, I was saddened, realizing he couldn’t see his own reflection in mine. And if I was turned, I wouldn’t be able to see myself in his anymore.
    But not seeing reflections didn’t seem to bother him. He wasn’t asking me to change. He loved me

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