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Book: Crushed by Marie Cole Read Free Book Online
Authors: Marie Cole
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depressing. I had no desire
anymore. The more I tried, the more frustrated I became. It didn't
help that every night I woke up with soiled boxers and -her- name
on my lips. She was haunting my dreams. It was fucked
    How could I get closer to Will
without becoming his friend? As far as I could tell the guy was a
loner. He was the kind of guy that you stayed away from. He had
danger written all over him. No doubt he was a loose cannon just
waiting to be set off.
    I couldn't follow him around all
day, that would be bloody creepy. We had not one class together so
that was out. I stopped at the seventh mile and smiled to myself.
His room. Maybe there was something in his dorm that would give me
a clue as to what he was about. The only problem was, how did I get
in there? He had a roommate. Tse. He was the guy who did the music
at all the parties. I smiled wider.
    I was going to throw a party.
    That afternoon after I'd already
spread the word I went to find Tse. He wasn't hard to find, like
most people he was a man of habit. He was sitting on one of the
many grassy hills, large noise canceling headphones on his ears. He
was bobbing his head gently, his long black ponytail swayed softly
in the wind. The dude was Native American so the long hair worked
for him. He was people watching as he listened to his tunes so I
walked in front of him and waved.
    He pulled off his headphones and
offered me a nod. "Sup?"
    "Nothing really. I'm throwing a
party tonight in the woods and I was hoping you would be the one to
DJ for me. Everyone knows you're the go-to guy for that sort of
    "Sure thing man, you know my rate?"
I nodded and pulled a couple of hundreds from my back pocket and
slipped it to Tse.
    "Can I help you set up or
something?" Tse looked at me as if I had another head slowly
popping out of my shoulder. I laughed and shrugged. "Just trying to
be nice. I'm not hitting on you or anything." He snorted and a
small smile crept onto his lips.
    "Sure, man. Come by my room around
six. You know where it is?" I nodded.
    "Yep. See you then." I smiled to
myself as I walked away. Operation: Spy on Giant was well under
way. The pieces were falling into place. I would figure out what
that sneaky freak was up to before long. Hopefully before the night
was over.
    It was six on the dot, Tse opened
the door almost immediately after I'd knocked. His folding set up
ready to go. I also noted a crate with some vinyl records and a
couple of bottles of water near the door.
    I nodded to the crate. "Is that
what you want me to grab?" He nodded back, his ponytail falling
over his shoulder as he bent down to retrieve it.
    "Think you can handle it, QB?" He
grinned and I laughed.
    "I can manage. Are you going to
carry that table - music - thing all by yourself?" I took the crate
from him as I nodded to the eight foot electronic table.
    He shrugged. "It's not really that
heavy, just bulky." He picked it up and it seemed he wasn't
bullshitting me. If I were in his shoes I wouldn't trust some jock
with my precious music shit either. I held the door open for him
with my foot and reached down to grab the crate. I very stealthily
unlocked my phone and sent myself a text message. I looked out the
door and he was halfway down the hall already, people pressing
themselves against the wall to get out of the way of his musical
    "Hey man, I gotta make a call, I'll
be right behind you!" I called down the hall and he paused and
nodded to me briefly before heading away from me, towards the front
    I let the door close and looked
around. It was clear whose side was whose. Tse's side was covered
with musical posters, CDs, more vinyl records, a guitar sat beside
his bed. The other side was very clean and sparse. Aside from the
school supplies necessary to go to class there was nothing extra.
No family photos. No posters. Nothing to identify that Will had any

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