Crossing the Line (Hard Driving)

Crossing the Line (Hard Driving) by Audra North Page A

Book: Crossing the Line (Hard Driving) by Audra North Read Free Book Online
Authors: Audra North
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out soon if she didn’t take a breath.
    Take a breath, Cori. Take a breath take a breath—
    She sucked in a huge lungful of air, making a terrible, horrible, insanely humiliating wheezing sound.
    Way to rock that whole breathing thing.
    “You all right?” He was still leaning over her, but he was smirking, as though he knew the effect he was having on her. Of course he knew. She’d practically attacked him and sucked his face off within seconds of him walking into her home.
    At least she’d calmed down long enough to actually talk to him.
    And she’d loved it. She loved every minute of it. Even when they’d been a bit awkward and stilted at first, talking about the weather. It had just felt so good, so right, to have Ty in her home.
    In her life.
    She nodded. “I’m fine. Just—God, I’m so embarrassed.”
    He laughed and closed the distance between them, gathering her in his arms like it was no big deal and they’d been doing this for years. She sighed and relaxed against his chest, listening to the rapid beating of his heart.
    It pleased her that she had an effect on him, too. Seeing him tonight had been the right decision. It was going to be okay. She’d focus on writing articles that got a ton of hits and she wouldn’t have to write anything she didn’t want to. Ty would be none the wiser, and once she gained the upper hand in her deal with Alex, she could take her relationship with Ty to the next level.
work out. After all, how could something that felt so right be wrong?
    “You were lovely. You
lovely.” He reached a hand up and cupped the back of her neck, gently rubbing.
    Mmm that feels so good.
    “You have no idea how good it feels to find someone I can talk to about things. Someone I can trust.”
    She froze.
    Please don’t say that.
    During dinner, they’d talked in more depth about the program he’d been working on, and then he’d asked about her. What her dreams were. And she’d told him about how she desperately wanted to make a name for herself as a reporter. He’d said she was off to a great start with that article she’d written earlier in the week, since he’d seen it reposted on several major sports sites. She’d wanted to crawl under the table.
    Because what if she was eventually forced to break her promise?
    She’d let all those thoughts distract her for too long, because Ty tensed up, pulling back a bit. “Am I putting too much pressure on you?”
    No! Oh, goodness, no.
He thought she wasn’t into him, when in reality she wanted him more than she’d ever wanted anything—even this reporting gig.
    She took a deep breath. “No. Not at all. I had such a great time tonight. I mean it. Thank you for coming up here.”
    He smiled, soft and sweet. “It was my pleasure.”
    They stood there for a second, just staring at each other, until he muttered something that sounded like,
Aw, fuck it
, and the next thing she knew—
    He was kissing her again.
    She welcomed it. Reveled in it. And this time, it was . . .
. . . even better than the first. She sighed into his mouth as his lips nibbled over hers, softly, a whisper of a touch, and before she could make it into something more, he pulled away.
    “I actually have to go pretty soon. Wendell—my pilot—is expecting me back before they ground all aircraft for the night.”
    The disappointment cut deep, but it was exactly what had to happen. He couldn’t stay and strip her naked and give her even more of himself. She wanted him so much, though. She’d already known he was sexy as all hell, but now she knew how attractive he was on the inside, too.
    He smiled, bright and happy. “But I’d like to get together again. Soon. The thing is, I’m away for a few days next week for another race, and then—”
    “I’ll be at that one, too.” She interrupted him, too excited at the prospect of seeing him again. “After my article . . . well, it went well enough that
Gold Cup
is letting me cover the next weekend of

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