Croissant Murder (A Patisserie Mystery with Recipes)

Croissant Murder (A Patisserie Mystery with Recipes) by Harper Lin Page A

Book: Croissant Murder (A Patisserie Mystery with Recipes) by Harper Lin Read Free Book Online
Authors: Harper Lin
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What can you tell me about him?”  

    “Mathieu moved in with him about three months ago. I don’t know how he met Gilles exactly. Mathieu mentioned something about meeting him at a party.”

    “Have you been over to Mathieu’s house a lot since he moved there?”  

    Sarah shook her head. “Just when I’m dropping Joy—she’s our baby—at his house on Saturdays, when he gets her all day. He doesn’t really want to let me see the place. He says it’s because he’s working on some new paintings and doesn’t want anyone to see them.”

    “So he’s able to take care of the baby by himself?”  

    “Sure. Mathieu’s a good father. I’m iffy about the baby being around this roommate, though. Something about him is just so slick.”  

    “He’s out of town at the moment, isn’t he?” Clémence asked. “For the whole month?”  

    “Not as far as I know. When I dropped off Joy last Saturday, I saw him. He didn’t see me, though, because I left before he could spot me and start leering.”  

    “Oh, that’s funny. I thought Gilles was in London.” At least that’s what Mathieu claims , Clémence thought.  

    “I wish he was in London, so he’d stop coming in here to flirt with me.”  

    “He does that?” Clémence asked.

    “Sometimes. Whenever he’s in the neighborhood.”  

    “When was he here last?”  

    “Two days ago. Just hanging around the stall, asking me questions about perfumes and not buying anything.”  

    Gilles was definitely in town. The question was, why was Mathieu trying to hide him from her?  

Chapter 17
    Galerie Lafayette’s rooftop terrace was the place to be to enjoy an ice cream and pass the afternoon with friends. As the sunny weather streak was still going strong, locals and tourists had the same idea. Clémence bought a chocolate cone and waited for Mathieu to show up. She took in the sweeping view of the city. The back of the Opera Garnier could be seen, as well as Clémence’s good friend, La Tour Eiffel, hanging back in the distance.  

    You could call Paris a lot of things, but you couldn’t call it ugly, she thought. It was a shame that the people had to ruin a place of beauty by committing heinous crimes.  

    When Mathieu showed up, she’d long since finished her cone. He was beaming. Should he be looking this happy only days after his girlfriend’s death? Perhaps he’d forgotten that he was supposed to be in mourning.

    After he greeted her with bisous , kisses that lingered seductively close to her mouth, Clémence said, “Hey, it’s funny. I ran into Sarah downstairs. I didn’t know she worked here.”  

    “Oh, Sarah. Right. She does. You met her?” He looked concerned.

    “She helped me with some perfumes. But I didn’t end up buying anything. We did have a chat though.”  

    His smile faltered. “You didn’t talk about me, did you?”  

    “What’s there to talk about?” she joked.

    He laughed in response. He looked relieved. Too relieved. “Phew. Two ex-girlfriends coming together—that could’ve been lethal.”

    “What’s the news with your gallery?”  

    “They’re going to reach a decision by tomorrow,” he said. “Fingers crossed. There’s a pretty good chance they’ll show my work. They’re a great gallery. It’ll certainly boost my reputation.”  

    “I’m sure you’ll get it,” Clémence said. “You’re good at what you do.”  

    “Thanks, Clémence. You’ve been so supportive during this tough time.” He stepped in closer, mesmerizing her with his light blue eyes. “You know, I’ve really missed you. You’re the only person who understands me. I made a grave mistake being with Sarah, and I wish I could turn back time.”  

    Clémence tried to maintain the smile on her face. Sarah is the mother of your baby , she wanted to snap. Have you forgotten that you have a baby?

    “I really think we make a good team,” Mathieu continued. “I know you’re with Mr. PhD and you like

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