
Creatura by Nely Cab Page B

Book: Creatura by Nely Cab Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nely Cab
Tags: Romance
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questions.” Actually I did, but I wasn’t about to dig myself into a hole with her non-ending interrogations. Plus, I didn’t know how to answer that last question. I couldn’t exactly tell her about Caelum. Making up lies wasn’t one of my biggest talents.
    Monday, I woke up half an hour earlier than usual. I looked out my window to find a vagrant dog sniffing through trashcans. The sun wasn’t out yet, but the street lamps provided enough illumination for me to see the stillness of the waking day ahead.
    Today, for obvious reasons I chose to deny, I felt like dolling myself up. I selected a fitted black top and blue jeans that would be accessorized by a pair of wedge heels and bronze colored jewelry. I felt the bronze accessories might have made the outfit a little too dressy for school, but decided to wear them anyway.
    I sprayed on my favorite perfume and spread on the scented body lotion. I loved walking by and having people notice my scent—nice and clean smelling, like jasmine and gardenia.
    I looked myself over once more in the mirror behind my door. I looked pretty good, if I did say so myself. With my book bag over my shoulder and my phone in my hand I left my room with a conceited grin. A girl’s got to be vain.
    Coffee was already brewed, courtesy of my mother who had left about ten minutes earlier. I grabbed a pastry bar from the pantry and waited for it to pop out of the toaster. It was take-along breakfast today.
    Before walking out the door, I got a text from Andy:
    “Yup.” I answered.
    I had walked three houses down from mine when his black sports car pulled up along the curb. He rolled the window down on the passenger side.
    “May I drive you to school today?” David’s sly smile made me nervous. He looked like he was planning something sinister.
    “Can I say no?” I pouted and wrinkled my nose jokingly.
    “I would prefer you said ‘yes’,” he insisted.
    I tugged on the door handle. Big surprise—it was locked. He stepped out of the vehicle to open the passenger door. He positioned his body directly in front of me, coming extremely close. I moved my body back until he had me pinned to the car.
    “Are you frightened of me now?” His lips were centimeters away from mine.
    “Yes,” I confessed like an idiot, holding my breath.
    David sniggered. He lightly kissed my cheeks and reached for my waist. He moved me aside and opened the car door. My face burned in a scarlet hue.
    I stepped in the Maserati. As soon as he had shut the door I reached for the visor mirror to inspect my face. Sure enough, I was as red as an apple. I swayed my hand back and forth quickly, fanning my face to bring down the heat that radiated from it. David stepped in the car within seconds.
    “That was uncalled for,” I reproached. “Your mother would disapprove.”
    His grin grew wide, never glancing at me. “My mother isn’t here, is she?”
    “You really shouldn’t play around like that, David. It’s not nice.” I scowled at him.
    “Why would you think I was playing?”
    “Because of your laws, your family… your life?” I counted with my fingers as I gave him each of the three reasons.
    He turned to view me. I could see he was lacking a debate for the first time.
    “Well?” I insisted.
    He sighed, “I would rather we change the topic of conversation, if you don’t mind.”
    I crossed my arms, grimacing as we passed the main intersection on Ocean Boulevard and Arroyo Street. I was worried.
    What had brought about this sudden change in him? Nyx had probably told him I thought he was exceptionally handsome. Who wouldn’t think that? He wasn’t oblivious to the fact that I was nervous around him, and he was using it to his advantage. Surely he couldn’t be serious about pursuing me. Or could he?
    The school parking lot was half empty. David picked a parking space one car away from Bill’s red mustang. His brothers’ Land Rover was parked in the front aisle right across from

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