Crazy Sexy Diet: Eat Your Veggies, Ignite Your Spark, and Live Like You Mean It!
interested in knowing more, gluten allergy/celiac disease tests are available through Labcorp or Quest Diagnostics. They help identify various forms of allergy or sensitivity to gluten or wheat by looking for various antibodiesthat signal gluten-related conditions. You can also have an intestinal biopsy, although it is rarely needed if gluten antibodies are positive.
    When you see your test results, consider that I believe any elevation of antibodies is significant and worthy of a trial of gluten elimination. Many doctors consider elevated anti-gliadin antibodies in the absence of a positive intestinal biopsy showing damage to be “false positives.” That means the test looks positive but really isn’t significant. We can no longer say that. Positive is positive and, as with all illness, there is a continuum of disease, from mild gluten sensitivity to full-blown celiac disease.

    Mark Hyman, MD, author of the best-selling
The UltraMind Solution
and other books, is a practicing physician and a pioneer in the emerging field of functional medicine, which strives to use new research to understand and treat the underlying causes of disease.

    Now for the liquid lovers. And who doesn’t love a cup o’ Joe and a glass of red? Enjoy them from time to time; just don’t make them an everyday habit. Like sugar, these mischievous Casanovas are highly addictive. Once you dip your toe in, they’ve got ya. Your adrenals, kidneys, skin, breath, cholesterol, blood, and blood pressure will thank you when you dial down your consumption.
    Coffee is extremely acidic and causes considerable dehydration. Remember that minerals are required to balance pH. Kiss these minerals good-bye as you piss them down the toilet along with your hot cup of Starbucks. Those who advocate regular moderate use claim that coffee contains beneficial properties. Maybe so, but that doesn’t take into account the whole picture. We can’t dissect the good from the bad in order to make the case for our health choices.
    In addition to being acidic, coffee beans are roasted. These beans have oils in them. Roasted oils become rancid and clog up your lovely liver. It’s kinda obvious that this stuff isn’t good for you. The fact that you get the jitters when you drink it, and migraines when you don’t, should tellyou something. How about insomnia? Coffee is definitely the enemy of restful sleep. And if you’re dealing with anxiety, panic disorders, or a really stressful job, coffee will only exacerbate the chaos. If a cold sweat really turns you on, then by all means, drink up.

    For those gals looking to start a family, a 2008 study in the
American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology
found that mamas who guzzled high doses of caffeine during pregnancy (around 200 milligrams or more per day, or two cups of brewed coffee) had a greater risk of miscarriage than those who drank less caffeine; the more caffeine the women drank over 200 mg, the greater their risk of miscarriage. Think about it: Who wants to live in a house that’s dirty and stressful? The baby’s immature metabolism hits the roof while your coffee break strangles the blood flow to the placenta. And that includes sodas with caffeine, energy drinks, and black tea.
    Women who are prone to breast cysts will also want to stay away from coffee and other highly caffeinated drinks. See your gynecologist if you ever feel even the slightest lump. If it turns out to be a benign cyst, you may want to check out evening primrose and vitamin E. (I myself take about 1,000 mg of evening primrose and 400 to 800 IUs of vitamin E.) This helps tremendously; within a few weeks the cysts will likely disappear.

    Getting off coffee isn’t all that hard, but don’t do it cold tofurkey. If you’re a heavy caffeine consumer, dumping it suddenly might make you a homicidal zombie. Wean yourself slowly over a week or so.

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