Cowboy Take Me Away
so lost in thought, remembering his hands roaming over the smooth expanse of Carolyn’s belly, that he’d nipped his knuckle with the wire cutters and it’d bled like a sieve.
    After he’d returned from the lake last night, he’d suffered through a lecture from Cal about slowing things down with Carolyn. Which Carson had taken to mean break it off with her. That hadn’t gone over well; until Cal explained he’d meant slow as in proceed with caution, not as in come to a complete stop.
    Which just proved how fucking antsy and touchy he was about her. How crazy in love he was with her.
    After six fucking days.
    Her car appeared on the horizon. He remained in place, watching as she parked, his pulse quickening when she climbed out.
    Grinning, he held his arms open and she launched herself at him.
    As soon as she’d wrapped herself around him, nestling her face in his neck with a soft sigh, Carson closed his eyes as he squeezed her tight. Yeah, this woman was his.
    They remained locked together, not speaking, just…being.
    His fingers twined in her hair and he tugged her head back to get at her mouth. He focused on tenderness with her. Brushing his lips over hers. Teasing and nibbling. Sucking her sweet breath into his lungs.
    Impatient, Carolyn tried to wrest control. Framing his face in her hands and pulling him closer.
    But Carson wrapped his fingers around her wrists and gently removed her hands. “Sugar, what’s the rush?” he whispered against her lips. “All day I’ve been lookin’ forward to takin’ my time to enjoy this.” He lightly licked the seam of her lips; his tongue followed the bottom of her teeth. She tasted like sweet sin.
    When Carolyn released a shuddering sigh, he slowly kicked up the heat level of the kiss from warm to molten. By the time he broke the seal of their mouths, sweat dampened his skin and his cock pressed against his zipper.
    Whoa. Her hands were on his ass, holding his pelvis to hers, forcing the teeth of his zipper to bite into his cock as her lips trilled over every hot spot in his throat.
    “Uh, Caro?”
    “You always smell so dang good.”
    “You wouldn’t have said that earlier when I was covered in dust and sweat.”
    “Wrong. You’d still smell good. Like earth and man.”
    He groaned when her sassy tongue flicked his earlobe.
    “I like that I can get you to make that noise,” she said softly.
    “You make some pretty sexy noises yourself when my mouth is on you.”
    She stilled. “Last night wasn’t a dream, was it?”
    “No.” He grabbed her chin, forcing her to look at him. “You still all right with it? No regrets?”
    “Just that you stopped.”
    Jesus. “I didn’t wanna stop. You know that.”
    “I know you’re worried we’re going too fast. But I’ll bet if I was any other woman, besides a virgin, you wouldn’t have reined it in.”
    “You don’t compare to other women and not just because you’re a virgin.”
    “Then why?” she demanded.
    Because you look at me like no other woman ever has. Like you see beneath the surface of a hell-raising cowboy to the man inside. The man I want to be.
    “Because you’re you. From the moment I met you I’ve thought of nothin’ but you. I can’t explain it any better than that.”
    “I’ll let it go…for now. But please don’t treat me like I don’t know my own mind, okay?”
    “Okay.” He fused his mouth to hers and the kiss soothed the restless parts of him. Parts he hadn’t realized needed soothing. “Come on. Let’s hit the road.”
    “Where are we going?”
    “You’ll see.” He boosted her into his truck on the driver’s side and slid next to her. She rested her head on his shoulder and her hand on his thigh.
    “What did you do today, rancher McKay?”
    “Besides check cattle? Fixed fence.”
    “Didn’t you do that yesterday?”
    “Do you do that every day?”
    “We could. We should. But we don’t. Just happened we did it two days in a

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