Cowboy on the Run
want to be a part of”
    Jimmy’s answer was an enthusiastic nod, his head bobbing up and down like one of those plastic baseball bobble head players he’d collected as a kid. Now, the useless toys were in a box somewhere. Not so unlike the man before him would be one day. He released a loud chuckle, envisioning Jimmy Greenwood in a box.
    “Very well, then.” He ran a finger up and down the side of Jessie’s car as his mind started getting a plan into motion. The sleek metal was cool to his touch. He spared a glance in Jimmy’s direction, the intoxicated man still seated on the gravel rubbing his throat.
    He wasn’t surprised he had almost lost it like before. Lately, it had become harder to control the urge to cause pain. And it had been close this time. He could taste the man’s fear, still see the wild abandonment in his eyes. And he liked it. He licked his lips. Yeah, it’d been close this time.

Chapter 12
    As soon as the bus pulled up, Nate’s nerves got the best of him. He took a deep breath and hoped for the best, wiping his sweaty palms off on his jeans. What was the worst that could happen? They were only kids, for Pete’s sake.
    The first to appear was Taylor. In his usual youthful exuberance, Nate was greeted with a heartfelt hug, before the boy reconsidered his actions, and extended his hand into a handshake. Nine more boys emerged from the bus, followed by a tall willow like shadow which transformed into his smiling friend.
    He shook Doyle’s hand, then, encompassed him with a hug, tossing a quick glance in Taylor’s direction. The boy returned the favor with a large smile, knowing the action redeemed his coolness status in front of the other guys.
    Four of the boys, besides Taylor, Nate had worked with last year and found he was relieved, thankful he would only have to learn the traits of five new boys. Already, studying the group, he knew a few of them would still give him a challenge.
    A man in his mid-twenties pulled up behind the bus in a blue extended cab Ford pick-up and a large horse trailer. Nate walked over to him, appreciative Doyle had brought another counselor to help.
    “Nate Walker, it’s nice to meet you.” He shook the young man’s hand once he got out of the pick-up. “I’m glad you came. I think I might need the help,” he said, sparing a glance at the line of boys.
    “Trent Mathis. Nice ranch.” The red-headed counselor returned the handshake with a firm grip. His gaze searched the landscape before he nodded his head in the direction of the boys. “And these guys...piece of cake,” he said with a smile. His freckled face transformed into a boyish expression before as he excused himself to gather the teens and help unload the bus.
    Nate watched him walk away and blend into the group. The counselor wasn’t much older than the teens. Yet, the boys responded to his authority as Trent barked an order to grab their duffle bags and head to the sleeping quarters.
    The teens scrambled to do as they were told as Doyle tossed the last of the bags outside the back exit. He joined Nate and they watched for a few minutes.
    “Looks like Trent has this under control,” Nate remarked as the final boy disappeared into the bunkhouse.
    “Yep, even though he’s not much older than a kid himself, he’s got a way about him. The boys listen to him.” He dropped the large, black duffle bag he was holding on the ground, casting a concerned stare in Nate’s direction. “You sure you’re up for this?” He questioned. His words sliced through the air in an easygoing, nonjudgmental way. “There’s nothing to it, really. You’re a natural with the boys,” the tall man reassured him before he had time to answer. “I brought along six horses to keep ‘em busy though, just in case.”
    Nate nodded as Taylor raced up to the fence, interrupting their conversation with a series of questions about the ranch. His curious, brown eyes bright with the excitement of a new

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