
Countdown by Iris Johansen Page B

Book: Countdown by Iris Johansen Read Free Book Online
Authors: Iris Johansen
Tags: Suspense, Thrillers
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    “Not particularly. A name is just a label.” He was staring at Jane. “Who is she? I told you I had to approve anyone you brought to—” His lips tightened as he drew closer. “Dammit, she’s Jane MacGuire. I don’t want her here. It will give Grozak all the more reason to target—”
    “I don’t care if you want her,” Trevor said coldly. “She’s here and she’s going to stay. That’s the end of it. I’m not going to have her in danger just to protect this blasted stack of rock you call home.”
    “Indeed?” MacDuff’s expression didn’t change, but Jane could almost feel the chill he was emitting. “That wasn’t our agreement, Trevor.”
    “Then I’m putting in an addendum.”
    “Which I may choose to ignore. You do what you wish outside these gates, but don’t expect me to—”
    “This argument is stupid,” Jane interrupted. “I won’t be here more than a day or two. And I’m the one who’ll decide whether I’m staying or going.” She stared MacDuff in the eye. “You’re very rude and I’m tired of you both treating me as if I weren’t here.”
    He met her gaze for a moment and then smiled slightly. “Aye, you’re right, I’m an ass and a bore. My apologies. You are most definitely here, and that’s the bone of contention.” His glance shifted to Trevor and his smile disappeared. “I can tolerate two days. After that we renegotiate.” He turned on his heel and strode back across the courtyard.
    “Not exactly welcoming,” she said dryly. “And I’ll be damned if I’ll be a bone of contention for anyone.”
    “I was hoping he’d ignore you like he does the rest of us. I should have known he’d be on the alert. He probably knew I’d brought someone with me the minute we got off the plane.”
    “MacDuff knows everyone in Scotland, and he’s considered something of a folk hero.”
    She grimaced. “He’s no Rob Roy.”
    “No, but he won a gold medal in archery in the Olympics fifteen years ago and then joined the 45 Commando of the Royal Marines and later won a chestful of medals for bravery. It’s a country that still has a healthy respect for a man who handles himself well in battle. Primitive, but true.”
    She raised her brows. “And you don’t?”
    He smiled. “When it doesn’t get in my way. MacDuff can be arrogant as hell on occasion. It’s natural, I guess. He’s the laird, and everyone around here kowtows to him.”
    “That’s true.” Bartlett made a face. “The laird and god. And I’m not sure which one has more sway. His people here won’t do anything I ask of them without his permission.”
    “His people?” Jane asked.
    “MacDuff insisted on providing the guards inside the gates of the castle itself. He may be short on cash, but he still commands the loyalty of his old buddies from his marine days. They’d work for him for zilch if he asked them,” Trevor said. “I let him have his way as long as I had the right to check them out. They’re okay. Tough as hell.”
    “Let him have his way? That doesn’t sound like you. He mentioned Grozak. How much does he know about what’s going on?”
    “As much as he has to know. He has a certain vested interest.”
    “What kind of interest?”
    “You’ll have to ask him. He came to me with an offer and I took it. One of the conditions was that I wouldn’t discuss it with anyone.”
    “And one of the perks was the use of his castle?”
    “For a hefty sum. MacDuff charged me a small fortune but I’d have paid more. I told you, this is an ideal place for my purposes. It was worth a little negotiating.” He took her arm. “Come on, I’ll introduce you to Mario.”
    “I’ll go on and make sure her room is ready.” Bartlett was already climbing the steps. “We may have hot water but Trevor is paranoid about letting strangers into the house, so there’s no maid service. I chose a room and straightened it before I left, but it’s probably dusty now

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