Corralling the Cowboy
    “ In fact,” she quipped. “I think you probably owe me a beer,
for the bruising I’ll have where you rammed into me.” She winked at
him. Wow; where had that come from? She had never hit on a stranger
like that before. She tended towards shy, or at least no quite so
brazen, but this guy was hot. Way hot. Steaming, smoking and
totally lick-ably sexy.
Tall, broad, and handsome smiled down at her, tipped his hat and
offered his hand. “Joe Brooks, at your service. May I buy you a
beer to facilitate the repair of the grievous damage I have so
callously inflicted on your delicate person?” He asked with mock
formality and a small bow.
    Oh, she
liked a man that could tease her back, and she loved a man with
brains. “I’m Alex. Pleased to meet you Joe.” His large hand
engulfed hers; the rough callouses on the tips of his fingers and
palm scratched pleasantly against her soft hand. Joe had a body to
die for too. Brains, a sweet smile and a hot body: he might be the
perfect man. She was suddenly swamped with images of being in his
bed, steaming up the sheets. Oh my! Longing rushed through her. It
had been a long time since she wanted a man at first glance, but
Joe’s smile and solid body made her pulse race.
    “ Just-Alex?” He asked. “No last name?” He winked at
    “ No last name, a girl needs a little mystery,” she answered
easily. “But a beer would be lovely.” Anything to spend more time
with you. She wondered where this flirty side had come
    He led
her to the bar and handed her a glass of draft. “A toast to you
Just-Alex, and my apologies for running you down.” He raised his
glass and bumped it gently against hers.
    “ You are forgiven and thank you for the beer,” she responded
with a smile. Looking up at him, she decided that she liked the way
he towered over her. He was broad shouldered and strong looking,
and there was kindness and laughter in his eyes. “What brought you
to Buffalo Days today?” She asked, trying to start a conversation
but unsure where to begin.
    “ Bull riding.” He laughed at the shocked look on her face. “I
don’t ride them; I just admire the skill involved. I have a small
ranch and raise some cattle. Livestock is my life.” He shrugged.
“What brings you here?”
    She let
him change the subject. She didn’t really want to talk anyway; she
would rather touch his arms and see if his biceps were a rock hard
as they looked. “I came with a friend to watch the chuck wagons and
check out the midway, we do it every year.” She placed her hand on
his arm. It was as hard as it looked and her insides
    “ I’m not keeping you from her, am I?” He ran a finger down her
arm. “It is a her, right?”
    For a
moment, Alex forgot to answer him. “Um, yes, she’s a girl. A woman.
But no, you aren’t keeping me from her, we’re meeting up later.” It
wasn’t quite the truth, but she really didn’t know Joe, and in
spite of his kind eyes, she didn’t really want him to know that she
suspected she had been abandoned by her friend. Again.
    “ Good to know.” He smiled and winked at her. “I’m not quite
ready to let you go yet. Tell me something about the life of
Just-Alex. What do you do when you’re not spending time with your
friends at the rodeo?”
    “ Nothing glamorous, I’m just an office manager. But I do enjoy
my work. It keeps my mind busy, and I love the people. I’ve worked
other jobs, but the best part of this one is that at the end of the
day, I can go home and leave it all behind.” She couldn’t get her
mind off his body. “You look like you do something physical with
all those muscles.” Oh god, why had she said that. He would think
she was ogling him.
laughed and gave her a quick one armed hug. “Good guess, I do
physical work for a good part of the day. I love being outdoors. I
don’t think I could be trapped in an office all day. But to each
his own.”
    His arm
brushed her shoulder sending a wave

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