Cop's Passion
    “I can see why
you lost it,” Cindy replied. “Good on ya for tossing out the
bitches, and good on ya for standing up to the cop.”
    Maddy gave her
a small smile. “I knew you’d understand.”
    Cindy leaped to
her feet and struck a pose, hands up in the air. “Hell yes, and
even if I didn’t, I’d still back you up.”
    Maddy followed
suit, standing right beside her and raising her own hands in the
air. “Gotcha back, sister.”
    “Gotcha back
right back, sister.”
    They bumped
hips twice, grinning widely. It was a simple thing from their
schooldays and it made Maddy feel so much better.
    Chaz slitted
his eyes open but finding nothing of interest to watch, he went
right back to sleep with his toy mouse tucked in one paw.
    “Aw, sweet,”
Cindy said.
    It was late by
the time they’d finished seeing and talking about everything, and
after they cleared up the pizza boxes and ice cream dishes, Cindy
ended up sleeping in the spare room as she’d done so many
    Snuggled into
her bed with Chaz lying against her back, Maddy looked at the
glowing numbers on the alarm clock and thought about her intimate
encounter with Mike. How the hell it had happened was beyond her.
Why he would even contemplate making love - no, having sex - with
her defied all belief. Just the memory of him inside her, all hard
and thick and hot, his seed spilling deep- “Crap!”
    Annoyed at
being disturbed, Chaz half opened his eyes.
    Oh God, she’d
had unprotected sex with Mike! He’d ejaculated inside her. Oh God,
she could get pregnant, she could - oh God!
    Panic almost
overtook her before she regained some sense.
    “Calm down,
Maddy,” she whispered softly, gripping the sheet in her hand. “You
can get the morning-after pill at the chemist in the morning. It’s
okay. You won’t get pregnant.” Biting her lip, heart thudding
uncomfortably, she laid back down.
    She hardly
slept all night and by the time the alarm went off in the morning,
she was wired. All she wanted was to find a chemist and fast.
    Cindy was still
asleep when Maddy had finished showering and dressing in her
uniform. Picking up her friend’s car keys from the kitchen bench,
Maddy walked outside to shift the car out of the way.
    It was early
with a chill in the air, the promise of autumn finally arriving
after the long, hot summer. The road was free of traffic, enabling
her to shift Cindy’s car onto it, get her own out, shift Cindy’s
car close to the garage and bring her own car up behind it. Getting
out, she locked the doors and headed back to the house.
    “Maddy.” The
deep rumble, so familiar now, made her insides curl.
    Looking over,
she saw Mike step down from his veranda. Dressed in his cop
uniform, he looked big and dangerous, his ‘don’t piss me off’
expression firmly in place. He seemed to don it as part of his
uniform. Or maybe he was just pissed at her.
    “Mike.” She was
glad her own voice was so calm.
    Moving to the
fence that separated their front yards, Mike leaned his forearms on
it and regarded her. “Come closer.”
    Wondering what
he could possibly want, she walked over to him. “If this is about
the mobile phone-”
    “No, it’s not,
though you’re going to get one today, right?”
    “If that’s what
you wanted to tell me-”
    “No, it’s not.
Well it is, but not right this instance.” Mike hesitated.
Maddy studied him, amazed to see a faint flush appear on his
chiselled cheeks.
    He took a deep
breath and seemed to steel himself for whatever it was he was going
to say.
    A little amused
despite herself, Maddy arched a brow at him. “Can’t find the
    He scowled at
her. “This is no joking matter.”
    “I’m sorry, I
don’t know whether to laugh or be serious right this moment.
Perhaps if you’d care to share your thoughts, I’ll know the
appropriate way to act.”
    “Fine. I didn’t
wear a condom last night,” he said bluntly. “Are you on the
    Now she could
feel an

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