my thick skull.
Nothing. More. Could. Come. Of. This.
Carlos didn’t stop by for dinner, nor did he stop by the next morning.
I panicked. Maybe I really did screw up yesterday. Had I really let this thing go downhill that fast? I knew Carlos was expecting me to follow his orders, but was it really so bad that he refused to come see me? Was he punishing me?
Tears built at the rims of my eyes, but I quickly blinked them away. Turning my gaze to my left, I stared at my laptop on my desk. There were a few things I learned last night. Since Carlos didn’t come by, I did some unnecessary digging. What I learned was that Carlos had Jane update his website a lot on his whereabouts and what projects he was working on. There wasn’t an update last night, but I figured there’d be one today. Perhaps he got caught up… but if that were the case, why didn’t he call? Shoot me a text or an email? I hadn’t heard from him since the previous afternoon.
I fidgeted on the bed, biting at my fingernail while staring at the laptop. It was right there… but getting on it meant I was crossing the line. I swore I wouldn’t be that way with Carlos, so instead of opening up the laptop, I scrambled for the remote and turned the TV on. All I needed was to occupy myself.
That was all.
I surfed through the channels, but I’d be lying if I said I didn’t keep giving that laptop a quick glance every few seconds. After watching an episode of Sex and the City and realizing my phone was still dry and my nerves were on end, I couldn’t handle it. I jumped off the bed and sat in the chair in front of the desk. After lifting the flap and going to the browser, my fingers dwindled over the keyboard.
“Shit,” I sighed. Was I really doing this? Had I already fallen into this trap? Yes, yes I had because it didn’t take very long for me to pull up Carlos’s website and start scrolling.
I clicked the updates section, but when I did, I couldn’t believe my eyes. There was a reason I hadn’t seen or heard from Carlos since the previous afternoon. Although I couldn’t truly be upset about that reason, I was. In fact, I was pissed.
The top post was a picture of Carlos and the brunette that was in his office only yesterday. They were arm in arm, he in a well-tailored black suit and her in a little black dress to match. They were ideal… and I was jealous. The one liner was simple and gave no details of their relation.
Mr. Montero and his guest, Marilyn Black, after the Marley Rails Dinner.
That woman—I should’ve known she was more than “just a friend” as he said. I recalled the time when Jane confused me for a woman seeking a good time with Carlos in his office, and my blood seemed to boil. My face became hot. My hands balled into tight fists. I stared at the screen—at the perfect picture of them arm in arm—dumbfounded and… hurt?
I was hurting, buy why?
Carlos made it clear that this was nothing more than sex… but what I didn’t know was that there would be other women? Had he slept with her last night? Did he go home with her and do the things that he’d done to me to her?
My heart pounded. I started to pant.
I had to calm down.
I had to get over this.
After all, I didn’t know the whole story. I didn’t know if this woman was truly a friend or perhaps an in-law of his. Unlike me, she didn’t have tan skin or jet-black hair. She didn’t have cat eyes, and she wasn’t very tall. But she was purely Caucasian, and I was that as well, mixed with Egyptian blood.
“Calm down, Mya,” I breathed, pushing from the chair and slowly closing the laptop. “Just calm down.” Turning to my left, I picked up my phone and knew it was time to call Claire.
I entered the TV room, swiping my nose and heading for the sofa. But just before I could press the dial number for Claire, I spotted a folded sheet of paper on the countertop. My eyebrows stitched as I warily made my way towards it. Dropping my phone,
Anna Collins
Lacey Thorn
Lori D. Johnson
Anne McCaffrey
Jennifer Greene
Caryl Mcadoo
Robert Stohn
Jonathan Wedge
Kimberly Malone
W. Somerset Maugham