Conquering Lazar
main room, and Elbi scrambled for her clothes. The knock pounded again, followed by, "Malachi, open up. Jaden is approaching!"
    When Elbi joined Malachi in the front room, she saw Donte, Talon, Nico and a few other soldiers engaged in a heated discussion.
    "The scout said they are about five miles out," Nico announced.
    "I think we should head them off before they get to Casen," Donte suggested.
    Malachi shook his head. "We are stronger here. We have defenses and are prepared."
    "And what if they are victorious? Then they succeeded at capturing our only other commune," Donte countered. He turned to Nico. "Did the scout say how many?"
    "Hundreds. They are definitely coming with the intent of conquering," he answered. "But that's good news for us. If we are victorious, we can storm Lazar when Jaden are at their weakest."
    "Exactly," Malachi agreed. "That should be our plan. Fight now and win, and then counter attack as quickly as we can. Before they can build reinforcements."
    Donte turned to one of the soldiers. "Prepare the men for battle."
    "Gather the women and secure them in the main building," Malachi ordered Nico. "I want several men surrounding them at all times."
    "Wait!" Elbi interjected. Everyone turned, noticing her standing in the room for the first time. "We can fight as well. We are ready."
    Malachi shot her a stern look. He didn't like his directive to be questioned, and his face made that quite clear.
    Elbi continued. "We can't help if we are locked away."
    "We will be fine with the men we have," Donte said, with Talon nodding in agreement.
    "But what about the women you have? We have been training daily for over a month. Briar can shoot a bow better than anyone. Nico said himself that my aim is precise. And the rest of the women all have their own talents. Isn't this what we have been training for?" Elbi wasn't going to back down. Even though she was trying to sound courageous, she was avoiding Malachi's stare. The daggers coming from his eyes were more lethal than any knife she could throw. She looked at Nico for some kind of reinforcement. "Nico? Are we not soldiers?"
    Nico looked at her, to the men, and then back at her. He didn't respond at first, and seemed angry for even being put in this position. Finally he turned back to the men. "I believe that Jaden will be looking for the harem. Killing the entire harem will send a powerful message. I think the best thing would be to disperse the women amongst all the soldiers. Have them fight, rather than be sitting ducks in one space."
    Nico's answer wasn't exactly the support Elbi was looking for, but at least he was agreeing the harem shouldn't all be locked in a room waiting to see if they would die or not. Thankfully he was allowing each woman to take her own fate into her own hands.
    "Very well," Malachi spat out.
    Donte nodded, as did Talon. "Prepare for battle."
    Elbi was about to follow everyone out of the house when Malachi grabbed her by the arm and pulled her back. The fury on his face seemed more daunting than the battle about to happen.
    He pulled her so close to his face that she could almost feel the heat from his anger. "Never," he growled. "Never question me in front of others."
    She squared her shoulders, swallowed back her fear, and stared directly into his eyes. "Then never question my ability."
    Malachi remained quiet, but his face softened, as did his tight grip on her arm.
    "I am not the same woman I once was, Malachi. Let me prove to you that I can be that warrior you believed I could be."
    "I know how strong you are. You have no need to prove anything to me. What you do not understand is that the thought of you in battle makes me afraid."
    "Because I am not strong enough?"
    "No. Because I love you. Because I do not want the woman I love to die by the blade of a sword."
    His words punched at her gut and stole her breath. He had declared his love. Malachi Lazar loved her. She'd known he cared for her, had sexual desires for her, and wanted

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