Confined Love
the contract and punish me for any violation of its terms.
Some scary crap in my opinion.
    He took the signed paper and slid it back into the folder.
    “Let me start by sharing some pertinent information about
Emma’s situation.” He took a deep breath and I swear he looked uncomfortable.
“Emma was linked with two other Enforcers from the elite Alpha Enforcer squad.”
    His gaze met mine to see if I understood what that meant. I
wasn’t stupid. The Alpha squad consisted entirely of men. Alpha men. I could
feel my pussy contracting at the thought of those Alpha men. I like sex a lot.
And I’m not opposed to multiple partners, if you get my meaning.
    “So she is in a triad with two men,” I supplied when he
didn’t say anything.
    He nodded and looked back down at the papers in front of
him. “Yes, she is bonded with two Alpha Enforcers.”
    “Bonded?” That couldn’t be right. Active-duty Enforcers were
forbidden to bond. They could have sex and even breed but due to the high
mortality rate they were discouraged from bonding. Bonding was for life.
    “The powers that be wish to see if, by sending fully bonded
units out, the mortality rate will decrease. We’re losing too many Enforcers
and they’re willing to try any means to combat that.”
    “But through bonding?” I couldn’t help but ask.
    “Unbound men once made great Enforcers due to the fact that
they had nothing to lose, no fear of death. No mate, no child, no conflict. But
that concept doesn’t work anymore. We need Enforcers who will stop and think
before they act. Emma and her triad have managed to capture members of one of
the most wanted terrorist cells in the fifth. The Liege Commander believes it
is because of the bond they have formed. They are smarter because of this. They
are more cautious, more aware. I don’t have all the specifics. Most of the
information is classified.”
    Damn. Everything was on a need-to-know basis. So it was a
little disconcerting that my lieutenant wasn’t in the need-to-know loop. “So
what exactly is it that I would be doing?”
    “Emma formed the first triad. They would like to progress
forward another level.” He lifted his head and locked gazes with me once more.
“They’d like to see how a quad unit would work.”
    Quad unit? As in four people? As in me and three hunky Alpha
    “Okay, wait a minute,” I said. “Am I the only female in this
    He nodded.
    “And will the male Enforcers be members of the Alpha squad?”
I asked.
    Once again he nodded.
    “Let me get this straight. I am to be the first female in a
bonded quad Enforcer unit with three Alpha agents. I will be promoted to Enforcer
and will see active duty along with the members of my unit.”
    Lt. Certze nodded once more.
    I wasn’t sure how exactly that would work. How did you bond
with three men? I would be an Enforcer but could I handle three men, Alphas at
    “Are they aware of this?” I wanted to get an idea of what
types of attitudes I might be facing.
    “They are being briefed just as I am briefing you,” the
lieutenant told me.
    “And are you aware of their take on a quad unit?” My
curiosity and uncertainty got the best of me for a moment.
    “They are Alpha squad. They will do as bid with no
    A typical response from my lieutenant. He was all about
    Oh, but they might be very resentful of a woman coming into
their little group, especially one who had not yet experienced the demands of
full Enforcer status. My thoughts churned as I worked through one possibility
after another. But bottom line was, what choice did I really have? It had
always been my dream to reach Enforcer status, and not as a desk jockey. Of
course this scenario felt a little too much like sleeping my way to that goal
but I refused to see it that way.
    Sex was great and I had never shied away from multiple
partner encounters. So, three men? No big deal for me. I knew I was smart
enough, competent enough to be a

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