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Book: Confessions by Janice Collins Read Free Book Online
Authors: Janice Collins
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immediately walked off to John’s bedroom thinking maybe Billy had wanted to be alone.  As she approached it, she noticed the door was ajar and she heard voices coming from inside.  She paused with her hand on the doorknob debating whether to just walk in or stand outside and listen. 
    She settled on the listening. 

Chapter 11
    “I told you to just leave me alone,” Aria heard Billy say.  She felt her stomach sink.  Who else would he be saying that if not to Tina?
    “Oh come on, Billy,” she heard Tina say much too flirtatiously.  “Are you really going to tell me you don’t miss me?” 
    Aria heard feet shuffling and more feet following behind. 
    Aria tried to peer in through the crack in the door and was actually able to spot them.  There was Billy, standing between the wall and Tina.  He looked excruciatingly uncomfortable.  Tina, meanwhile, was shamelessly trying to get close to him. 
    She placed her hand on his shoulder and leaned in close to his ear, “Come one, Billy.  Tell me you don’t still think about me.  I know you can’t have replaced me with her .”
    Billy looked right into Tina’s eyes with nothing other than disgust.  He placed his hand on her shoulder and pushed her away.
    “I didn’t,” he retorted, “Because what she is to me was something you could never compare to.”
    Tina scoffed and finished up her drink, tossing it off to the side. 
    “I highly doubt that,” Tina said in a low voice as she charged forward and practically shoved her face against Billy’s in an attempt to kiss him.  Right as he pushed her off and wiped off his lips, Aria burst into the room. 
    “What the fuck do you think you’re doing here?”  Aria was livid and was completely done holding back.  She hadn’t been imagining the look of disappointment in Tina’s eyes when she saw her and Billy were together.  Aria wasn’t wrong to think there was something off about her trying to contact Billy so insistently.  None of this had been in her head. 
    Tina laughed and looked at Aria with something akin to pity.  She was looking at Aria as if she were a bug she could easily squash. 
    “Be honest,” Tina said quietly and dangerously.  She stepped close to Aria and stared her down.  “Did you really ever think he was really over me?  Did you really think you could pull me out of his heart?”
    Aria laughed, truly realizing how pathetic Tina was.  It had been years since they broke up and she had been the one to end it.  Tina had been the one who just disappeared after breaking Billy’s heart.  And now she had shown up out of nowhere thinking she still had a chance with him.  Whether or not Aria was in the picture, she felt sure Billy would have never gone down that road again. 
    It was sad that Tina behaved this way though not nearly as sad as her actually believing it.  Aria grabbed Billy’s.
    “Think whatever you want.  We know what the truth is and that’s really all that matters.” 
    Aria turned to head out the door and that’s when she realized most of the people at the party had gathered around to watch what was going on.  Kay and John were at the front of the crowd.  Kay had her arm thrown out in front of John as if she had stopped him from going in and interrupting.  Aria’s heart swelled up with gratitude and she gave Kay a nod as her and Billy slipped past them.
    They went right out into the hall and stopped by the elevator.  Aria pulled him into a hug. Billy relaxed in her arms.  This must have been such a terrible ordeal for him.  If she had thought it was a nightmare, she couldn’t even imagine what Billy must be feeling at that moment.  She wondered how long Tina had him cornered in the room before Aria arrived. 
    She ran her hand down his cheek, “why didn’t you just walk out?” 
    Aria was genuinely wondering why that hadn’t been his course

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