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Book: Complicated by Megan Slayer Read Free Book Online
Authors: Megan Slayer
Tags: Gay New Adult Romance
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probably knew he had the power to make Jonathan feel ten feet tall, but Jonathan didn’t care. He pressed his face into the flowers and breathed in the sweet scent. “I could say I’m going into the other room to get dressed, but there aren’t too many places to hide in here.”
    “Studio apartments tend to skimp on the privacy.” Sean perched on the arm of the worn couch. “I’ll close my eyes if you’d like, but I can’t promise I won’t peek.”
    “You’ve seen me naked already.” Just thinking about their naked time sent warmth through Jonathan’s body. He fumbled towards the counter to put down the flowers.
    “I’d like to see you naked again.”
    “You’re too much.” Jonathan retrieved a shirt and boxer shorts from his dresser. He’d left a pair of sleep pants by the bed. The outfit didn’t scream style and sophistication, but it was comfortable. He wrestled his way into the T-shirt then hiked the boxers up his legs and removed the towel. “Where’s your boyfriend?”
    “Right in front of me, I hope.”
    “I’m sorry.” Jonathan padded over to where Sean sat. “I’m confused. Want to sort me out?”
    “You have no idea.” Sean’s gaze roved over Jonathan’s body. He licked his lips. “I’m talking about you.”
    “You get off on having two boyfriends at one time?” Jonathan stepped into his sleep pants. “I’m not fond of sharing.”
    Sean slid onto the couch cushion then patted the other cushion. “Sit. I owe you an explanation.” When Jonathan eased down beside him, Sean trailed his knuckles over Jonathan’s outer thigh. “Tyler is my ex-boyfriend. On the set of Checkers , I started using cocaine. It’s not my proudest moment, but I was nineteen and it’s my past. The reason I got booted from the show was my addiction. Tony refused to deal with me when I was high and had me sent to rehab. At the time, my mother still had some clout and forced me. I hated them both, but I stuck it out. I liked acting too much to give in to the drugs. When I was proclaimed clean and sober, I was introduced to Tyler. He was supposed to be my sponsor. We ended up sleeping together instead. I’m pretty sure there are rules against the sponsor and ex-user being involved, but we were…horny. I’m not sure if we were actually dating or it should’ve been labeled enabling. Anyway, three years and a whole lot of arguments down the road, we actually split up. I was clean and functioning, but he was like an old shirt...comfortable and reliable. Tony even asked me to be on his movie Royals . In the last year, Tyler and I had a one-night stand. I moved on and am looking down the barrel of four years clean and mostly sober. Tyler is my friend, but we’ll never be more.”
    “Ah.” Jonathan scratched his forehead and processed the new information. Tyler wasn’t exactly a threat, but the whole thing with Sean wasn’t exactly clear either. “So you’re saying I’m a rebound?”
    Sean frowned. “You’re only a rebound if it’s right after the relationship splits. We would’ve had to meet more than a year ago for that to happen.” He inched closer to Jonathan and eased his palm over Jonathan’s thigh. “I don’t want whatever this is growing between us to go away. I’m happiest when I’m with you.”
    “You’ve been with me one time, and we’ve been together for less than three days. That’s hardly enough time to figure out if we’ve even got a relationship.”
    “I disagree.” Sean turned enough to face Jonathan and drape his arm around Jonathan’s shoulders. “I don’t like to waste time. I can’t guarantee I’ll be the perfect boyfriend and we’ll live happily ever after, but I’d like to try.”
    “Sean.” Jonathan wanted to pull away, but Sean’s magnetism held him firm. “We’ve got a long road ahead of us. We live in different states. You’re more established in your career.” He shook his head. “People will talk. I’m not sure I want to have a relationship

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