it is strange and he was staring at me because everyone was. I was a complete freak out there. I feel bad for him I guess, but he’s gonna have to get over whatever it is, if we are stuck down here together, ya know.”
    “I think he likes you. I think that’s what he meant by ‘intense’ for him. I mean, think about it. He’s only seen human contact, he’s never touched a human, let alone a women, let alone the women he’s watched for years,” he dragged out the last few words for dramatic emphasis.
    “He hasn’t watched me , it was you.”
    “Yeah, but did you hear him earlier, he said ‘we are supposed to only watch our charge’. Supposed to . I think he watched you and I think he likes you.”
    “Danny, that’s so ludicrous. Besides, I’m Plain Jane not Megan Fox. Aliens don’t come all the way here to fall in love with Plain Jane. Jerks do.”
    “Well...I guess that’s my fault...and mom and dads, so wrapped up in our own crap to tell you how great you are. You are pretty, ya know. You’re a-”
    “Oh! Shut up Danny!” I said playfully pushing his shoulder.
    “I’m serious.”
    “If that were true then how come the only thing I ever attracted was Matt?”
    “Matt told everyone, and I mean everyone, about you and him. His work, my work, your work and he said you guys were getting married and threatened anyone who even talked to you.”
    “What? Danny, please. He couldn’t keep every guy in Chicago from asking me out.”
    “True, but almost every guy you came into contact with, did with him also. Where did you go besides work without Matt? I’m telling you, people were scared of him. He wasn’t exactly a small dude and he was a total crazy man when it came to you. I’m sorry I joshed you for dumping him. I didn’t know what was going on until much later. You should’ve told me what was happening.”
    I didn’t want to tell Danny what was really going on with Matt. He would freak. He could never find out what Matt did so I skipped the whole last part of his statement.
    “You’re not lying... What! Why would he do that? All this time, I thought...”
    “It’s ok, sis. He’s not coming back...but Merrick seems...nice.”
    “Danny, don’t you dare! I think you’re misinterpreting what Merrick is thinking. He’s not even human, I doubt he can even have those feelings. I promise you that wasn’t a face of “ooh baby I want you”, ok. You have no way of knowing.”
    “You’re right...except I heard him say it in his sleep last night,” he said smiling smugly.
    “What? You’re lying. You sleep through anything.”
    “Am I lying? I got up to go to the bathroom and overheard him say some stuff.”
    “What stuff?”
    “Just ‘Sherry. I can’t believe I’m here.’ That was it but doesn’t sound like he hates you to me.”
    “That’s what he said to me when I was under the drug. What does that mean?”
    “It means, alien boy’s got it bad.”
    “Shh! Danny! Ugh,” I whispered loudly and pushed him as he fell backwards laughing. “You ready to eat, brat?”
    “Yeah, I heated up some soup in the microwave, but it’s probably cold by now.”
    I couldn’t keep myself from bursting into laughter.
    The next couple of days were spent assigning chores and getting to know each other. I tried to avoid Merrick most of the time, to make it easier on him. My favorite person still by far was Lillian, brownie girl. Michael and Mitchell, the husband and Keeper, seemed to be hitting it off rather well. They talked a lot. Lillian and I were on bed sheet duty and I was on night dish duty with Merrick as well this week.
    Our first assignment would be tomorrow after dinner. I swallowed hard thinking about how he would handle this. I mean, heaven forbid our fingers touched as I handed him a plate. He’d drop it in disgust and feel the need to start apologizing again.
    I usually wound up eating later than everyone else because I liked cooking when I wasn’t fighting someone else

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