thank you as soon as I get home and then find myself wishing I had Zayne's number so that I could thank him again too. Knowing that I am getting carried away with myself, I try to shake off the lingering thoughts of Zayne and lock myself in my room for the remainder of the afternoon.
    Only problem is, I find myself unable to think of anything but him and every song I play somehow reminds me of him. Of his eyes, his lips, the way he says my name.
    He has made it perfectly clear that nothing can happen between us and while that knowledge saddens me more than it should, it doesn't stop me from thinking about it or wishing that things could be different. Zayne is not the man for me, I know that without a doubt but that doesn't mean I don't want him all the same.

Chapter Thirteen
    S unday afternoon arrives way too quickly and I stumble into Vitos just before one in the afternoon, my new Fender guitar in hand. When I push my way through the thick wood door, once again my eyes take a few moments to adjust to the dim lighting. I blink a few times as the interior of the bar comes into focus.
    I expect there to be several people here, all auditioning for the same gig so I am more than a little surprised that the bar is practically empty. As a matter of fact, besides one girl behind the bar, there are only two people at the bar and a couple pressed tightly together at one of the bar tables in the corner.
    I hesitantly approach the bar. A pretty girl with long black hair and a small hoop lip ring greets me with a large smile. While her appearance is rather intimidating, her smile is warm and genuine.
    “You must be Grace.” She says, extending her hand to me. I reach out and give her hand a light shake before taking a seat in one of the stools. “I'm Becca. Jake told me you were coming. He should be here shortly. Late, per usual.” She says, rolling her eyes.
    “Anyways, anything I can get you while you wait?” She asks, pushing the sleeves up on her torn, long sleeve black shirt, revealing two completely covered tattooed arms.
    “I'm good.” I say, propping my guitar against the stool next to me. “Where is everyone?” I ask, gesturing around the empty bar.
    “You're it.” She says, a curious smile turning up the corners of her bright red lips. “Jake didn't tell you did he?” She asks and then continues when I shake my head no. “You're the only audition we have scheduled.” She says on a light laugh. “I think it's pretty safe to say that as long as you're even remotely decent, the job will be yours.”
    “Oh.” I say, surprised. “Well, no pressure or anything then right?” I think I would prefer to audition against other people, that way if I got the job, I would know that I got it because I was good enough not because I was the only option.
    Jake appears through a door that sits behind the bar, immediately wrapping his arms around Becca's waist and snuggling his face into her neck. “There's my girl.” He purrs, squeezing her tightly.
    I can't help but smile at the two people in front of me. Both tatted and rocked out and clearly very into each other. Jake catches sight of me and loosens his grip on Becca, straightening his body which I now see hovers at least eight or nine inches over hers.
    “Good to see you again Grace.” He says, throwing a casual nod in my direction. “You ready?” He asks, his dimpled smile lighting up his entire face.
    “Um, well you never specified what type of music so I have a few different songs I could do.” I say, standing from my stool.
    “Rock, alternative, pop. Hell we don't care. Just as long as it sounds good. Our weekend bands tend to be on the rock side, obviously.” He says, gesturing around the bar.   He's pointing out the clear indications that this is very much a rock bar. “But those are full bands and the bar gets pretty crazy. You will just be playing an acoustic set a few nights a week. Give our weeknight patrons something to

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