Cold Blood

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Book: Cold Blood by James Fleming Read Free Book Online
Authors: James Fleming
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in a corset shop. It was my first job—in fact I’m still there. When Madame Zilberstein’s out, I run it.
    â€œThis day Madame was behind the counter. A man came inwith his wife. The woman began to discuss her needs with Madame—maybe it was a special corset for an important dinner, something like that. I was in a corner, checking a new delivery of stock against the order ledger. The man waited for a good moment. Then suddenly there he was in front of my table. He leaned over and pretended to help me count out a package of whalebones. He said nothing but his eyes—I knew what he meant even though I was a virgin. It was an instinct I had, plus the fact that I tingled down there. I wasn’t offended. Not maidenly, not at all,”—she flipped her hands sideways, a number of times, rapidly. I steadied her plate for her. “I realised it was what I’d been waiting for. So I returned that look of his. Then Madame asked me to bring over a particular style of corset, one with a dipped waist. But we both knew, he and I.
    â€œHe was waiting for me when I finished work. Down the street a little so that Madame wouldn’t notice. He gripped my arm and said, ‘I have to fuck you.’ His voice was absolutely urgent. I said nothing, continued walking. But actually I was longing to hold his cock, with both hands, because I knew that’s how it’d be with him.”
    She broke off: took my plate and put them both on the chest of drawers. The fire was drawing well. Sitting down and crossing her legs, she said, “What was curious was the strength of that instinct within me. I only ever talk about it with men. They understand. The women I know would think me cheap.
    â€œWalking at my side, the man (who was not unattractive, let me tell you) said, ‘Your eyes are too soft for disagreement. I know a hotel, five minutes away, that’s all.’ A few yards later, he said, ‘What’ll it cost me—is a good meal enough?’ “
    â€œWhat did you say?”
    â€œNone of your business. What’s your name?”
    â€œWell, Charlie, in fifteen minutes this room’ll be as cold as a tomb. Believe me. Come to bed.”
    The kettle was mewing on its trivet. She filled a bowl from it and went behind the curtain to undress.
    I raised my voice: “Yes, but the meal—did you take him up on it? Did you demand the best menu or did he just give you money and leave?”
    â€œYou’re going too fast. What happened was that I loved what he did to me so much that I fainted. My mind just couldn’t deal with all that pleasure. Remember, it was my first time. I had absolutely no idea what was possible.”
    â€œYou actually fainted?”
    â€œYes. After only a few strokes.”
    â€œHow long were you out for?”
    â€œI don’t know. I came round when he bit me in the neck. Of course he was extremely proud of himself. If you really want to know, he gave me dinner and a good present as well. Afterwards he wanted to see if he could make me faint a second time.”
    â€œDid you?”
    â€œNo, but he said that he very nearly did. As it happened, though, we never met again. It’s the nature of these relationships.”
    â€œDid you think you were in love?”
    â€œNot for a moment. I’ve never known what it’s like to be in love and I expect I never will. I think it’s an excuse people make to delude themselves that they’re happy . . . Are you getting undressed too? I don’t hear anything. If you’re one of those men who just want to talk, you can get out.”
    I took off my boots and stood them where I could see them from the bed. I checked the door was locked. It was extraordinary, the whole incident, everything being handed to me on a plate like this. I reckoned I could quickly pick up the smell of a dangerous woman. But here there was nothing—except for the sudden

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