Codename Angel (The Angel Chronicles Book 1)

Codename Angel (The Angel Chronicles Book 1) by Jason Chapman Page B

Book: Codename Angel (The Angel Chronicles Book 1) by Jason Chapman Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jason Chapman
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through his binoculars. He looked out
across the grey ocean in the direction of the approaching Vampire. An object
came into focus, Berkshire felt an icy cold shiver race down the back of his
spine. The object was circular in shape, but what disturbed him was its size.
As Berkshire looked on four smaller shapes came into view. The command crew of
the carrier continued to talk to the aircraft that had been scrambled. The lone
vampire had joined them and were now keeping pace with the five craft.
    Frederick had been
handed another pair of binoculars and stared at amazement at the sight on the
horizon. For the first time since coming on board he forgot about his sea
    ‘Good lord!’ Watson
exclaimed as he looked out of the window. Some of the command personnel also
looked mesmerized by the approaching objects.
    Within a few minutes
Berkshire, Frederick and Watson were on the flight deck of the Illustrious. A
junior bridge officer was already on the flight deck with the film camera which
was pointed in the direction of the approaching objects. Six escort ships had
pulled up on both sides of the aircraft carrier. The four smaller UFOs had
broken away from the larger UFO and fanned out heading towards the two American
Aircraft Carriers.
    Berkshire looked at
Watson. ‘Set a course for the Roosevelt, order our escorts to do the same. Send
a message that we are on our way to assist in any way we can.’
    Watson scurried back
towards the command deck. A short time later the Illustrious started to turn
her bow towards the American Aircraft Carrier.
    Frederick couldn’t
help smiling at the irony that the situation presented. He glanced at
Berkshire. ‘Still think it’s a load of old cobblers?’

    Chapter 24
    Full Steam ahead
    Admiral Berkshire
glared at the enormous object which had manoeuvred between the HMS Illustrious,
the USS Roosevelt and the fast approaching USS Midway. The object hovered about
200 feet up and a low pitched humming noise filled the air, and static crackled
all around. A frigate lay underneath the shadow of the craft. To Admiral
Berkshire it looked like a model boat compared to the size of the object. But
it was what was happening in the area of the Roosevelt that caught his
attention. The four smaller objects were hovering just above the flight deck of
the carrier. The Illustrious was still too far away for Berkshire to get a
clear view of what was going on.
    ‘This static
interference is what happened at Church Fenton, it doesn’t seem to be affecting
our instruments.’
    ‘I don’t know whether
to take that as good or bad news Professor.’ Berkshire said still peering
through his binoculars.
    Several minutes past
as the Illustrious sped towards the US Carrier. The objects still hung over the
Roosevelt’s flight deck. The larger object had moved off and hung motionless at
the edge of the fleet. Berkshire and Frederick returned to the bridge to get a
higher vantage point. Whilst on the flight deck Frederick had used all the film
in the still camera he had brought with him.
    ‘Sir I’m receiving a
message from the Roosevelt, they’re ordering us to change course and remain at
a distance of seven miles.’ One of the communication officers relayed.
    ‘Ask them why.’
Berkshire ordered.
    The com officer shook
his head. ‘I’m not getting a response sir, they just keep repeating the
message, maintain a distance of seven miles.’ The colour drained from his face.
‘Or they will open fire on us.’
    Berkshire stared at
the carrier in the distance, he drew a deep breath. ‘Maintain our speed and
    ‘With all due respect
sir.’ Commander Watson said. ‘What if they carry out their warning?’
    ‘I said maintain our
course and speed!’ Berkshire barked.
    Frederick looked at
Berkshire but remained silent.
    The Illustrious
carried on its course for a few minutes before the communications officer spoke
again. ‘They’re still repeating the warning sir, and I’m

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