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Book: Closer by Sarah Greyson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sarah Greyson
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with wet heads. All of the guys smiled at Michael with knowing eyes. Michael gave them the look that said, “Don’t say a word.” Rob had set the table, and Tony was just finishing with the Tilapia. Everything smelled so good. She couldn’t remember the last time she ate. Michael pulled a chair out for her and he sat in the chair next to her touching her leg with his… he had to be touching her .
    “Someone has to say it,” Rob said as he passed the fish to the left. “We need a plan to get Lizzie back,” he continued as he accepted the salad.
    “Who’s Lizzie?” Emma questioned accepting the salad from Rob.
    “Lizzie is my finance, and the GIA have her,” Rob confided.
    “Oh my God, Rob. That’s awful. What can I do?” Emma asked.
    “We need a plan,” Rob said, his voice choking over the thought of his wife held prisoner by the terrorists.
    “We can still make the drop as planned,” Emma said as everyone paused mid-bite to stare in disbelief at the strength that seemed to emanate from this woman. “Think about it. It’s me they want, and I feel safe that you won’t let anything happen to me,” she said to all of the men at the table.
    It was Michael that responded, “Damn right we won’t. No one will ever take you from me again,” he said in front of his brothers clearing up any remaining doubt at the table as to whom Emma belonged.
    They talked over dinner devising their plan to capture Ahmed El-Amin, keep Emma safe, and rescue Lizzie.
    They still had a two-day drive in front of them. They would drive eight hours tomorrow, stop at a hotel for the night, and drive the remaining three hours in the morning. That way, they would be well-rested for this most important mission. Everything had to go according to plan or they risked losing Lizzie. All it would take is Ahmed making one phone call, and Rob would never see Lizzie again. Michael had never gotten what Rob and Lizzie had, not until he met his Emma. Now he understood: Lizzie was Rob’s air, his life force, the same way Emma was his.

« Chapter Eleven »
    Early the next morning, the caravan of former Green Berets, plus Emma, drove until they reached Harrisburg. There, they pulled into the parking lot of the Hamtpon Inn. It had been a long nine-hour drive from Lewiston having only stopped for gas, for something to eat, and for the occasional bathroom break. They went inside for reservations. Michael made sure he and Emma got their own room. He carried their bags upstairs and placed them on the bench inside the door. Emma followed him into the room. The first thing to catch her attention was one king size bed.
    “A little presumptuous, don’t cha think?” she playfully asked Michael as she reached her arms around the back of his body and pulled him in for a hug. This was the first time she had asserted herself with Michael and it felt good…to touch him anytime she wanted. Now, maybe she was being too presumptuous. She pulled quickly back from him like his body burned her and made her way to the window wrapping her arms around herself. She looked out on the darkening parking lot lost in her head again. Maybe she shouldn’t have been so forward as to hug him. Maybe he didn’t like being touched like that? He walked up behind her and nuzzled her neck as he wrapped his strong arms around her waist.
    “What’s wrong? Why did you stop?” he asked as he inhaled her unique scent.
    “I was just thinking,” she responded despondently.
    “Don’t worry about tomorrow. I promise nothing will happen to you. My brothers and I will keep you safe,” he said reassuringly, hoping to calm her fears.
    “It’s not that,” she whispered facing the window. “I trust you and the guys to keep me safe.”
    “Then what is it?” he asked confused.
    “I was just thinking maybe I shouldn’t be so forward with you. That isn’t like me, you know, to come on to a guy. I don’t know what came over me to hug you that way,” she

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