stuffy gym I was in just a second ago. Wait, how did I get here?
    I felt frozen to the spot but Casey was spinning around on the grass and shouting to the sky, “You’ve got to be kidding! As if things aren’t bad enough, you have to let him come along?”
    “ What just happened?” I said. “Is this some kind of practical joke?”
    Casey stopped pacing and stared at me like she couldn’t believe it was me with her here. I couldn’t believe it either.
    “ Okay, guys, come out now.” I peered through the trees, searching for signs of Tyson or Josh, expecting one of them to jump out of the shadows in a laughing fit.
    But nothing. Just silence. I felt a bit panicked but kept it cool because of Casey. She was obviously as freaked out by this as I was.
    Either that or she was a fantastic actor.
    “ Did they put something in my punch?”
    Instead of answering me she moaned, “Oh, no.”
    “ What’s the matter?”
    “ Nothing,” Casey said. “It’s my shoes.”
    What was wrong with her shoes? And maybe it was just me but I thought we had bigger problems than her shoes. She took off one sandal. Maybe her feet hurt?
    But then she started smacking it against a large rock. Had she lost her mind?
    “ Casey! What are you doing?”
    “ I’m (bang) knocking (bang) off (bang) my heels.”
    I really hoped I wasn’t stuck in the forest with a mental case for long. “Why?”
    “ Because,” she said, her voice pitched higher like she was addressing a child, “these are totally inappropriate for what we have to do next.”
    I was so confused.
    Just then I heard the faint clop of hooves and the din of voices. Casey stunned me by grabbing my hand and pulling me to the ground out of sight.
    I pulled my hand away. “What’s going on? This isn’t funny anymore.”
    She put a finger to my lips and shushed me. Two men with top hats and cloaks with coat tails rode by on a trail behind our hiding spot.
    “ Mark my words,” one of them said, “Abraham Lincoln will be the next president, and then there will be hell to pay in the south.”
    “ Role players?” I asked. Casey returned my question with a stern look to keep quiet.
    When the riders were out of sight, Casey stood up and then motioned with her finger to follow her.
    I didn’t know what else to do, so I followed. “Casey,” I said, “What’s happening? How did we get here?”
    She pushed branches out of the way and let out a long breath. “Okay, it’s just; I don’t think you’re going to believe it.”
    “ Try me.”
    “ We’ve gone back in time.”
    Did I hear her right? “Whoa, say again?”
    She stopped and stared at me intently like she was memorizing my face.
    “ Casey!”
    “ Oh, sorry. Um, I said we went back in time.”
    I was expecting a story, but one with a chance of me believing it, not a fairy tale. “We went back in time. Really?”
    I waited for her to say, “Just kidding,” but instead she turned around and kept walking. She reached up and pulled pins out of her hair letting it fall to her shoulders, an action that made me forget where I was for a minute. I decided to keep following her.

Chapter 2
    “ Okay, say I believe you. But why should I? There could be a perfectly good explanation for this.”
    “ It’s mid afternoon,” she said.
    “ I see that.”
    “ So, a short while ago, it was dark. Night time.”
    Good point. “Okay, so as a joke the guys drugged me and I passed out and it lasted several hours.”
    “ Not a very funny joke.”
    Also a good point.
    “ I woke up in the middle of the woods somewhere in Massachusetts. We’re still in Massachusetts, aren’t we?”
    To my relief, Casey nodded.
    “ The guys didn’t feel like waiting for me to wake up.”
    “ The guys?” Casey said.
    “ Yeah, Tyson, Dylan and Josh. I should’ve known they were up to no good when they dar...” Oh man, what was I doing? Casey stopped and stared at me. I could tell by the look of abhorrence on her face that she

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