Clifford Arbor: Savouring Emily

Clifford Arbor: Savouring Emily by Sam Crescent Page A

Book: Clifford Arbor: Savouring Emily by Sam Crescent Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sam Crescent
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was still alone in the world.
    Chase and Lawrence took turns to spend time with her. She managed to get them out to work every morning. One morning she didn’t want to tell them but she didn’t feel right.
    Her feet were swollen and she felt strange. Emily walked through her house and collapsed on the floor. Her head dizzy. Her ankles were huge. Her entire body felt like it was tight in her skin. A wave of sickness swept through her and she knew she couldn’t hold it off any longer.
    She lay on her back and reached for the phone. Something wasn’t right. She needed to see a doctor.
    Emily made the call to the hospital and told them her symptoms. They told her not to worry but an ambulance was on its way.
    She collapsed with the phone on her chest. A hand pressed against her stomach.
    “What’s the problem,” she muttered to her belly.
    She held off for as long as possible then she phoned her men.
    Emily called and waited for the phone to go to the answering machine.  She licked her lips and put the phone to one side.
    “What the hell is going on?” Chase demanded the moment he saw a doctor. Ever since he’d gotten the phone to play him the answer machine message his gut had tightened and he knew something bad was going to happen. He should’ve been firmer and one of them stay with her. If Lawrence or himself had been there they would have seen a difference.
    “Calm down. Are you the husband?” the male doctor asked.
    “Yes. Please, tell me what’s wrong with my wife,” he pleaded.
    Lawrence stood behind him and he knew the guy was close to losing control. If they lost Emily, they lost everything. She was the one person keeping them together.
    “Emily is suffering with what is known as preeclampsia. Swollen ankles, high blood pressure and the appearance of blood in the urine are all common features. We’re keeping her monitored to see if this eases.”
    “And if it doesn’t?”
    “Then we’re going to have to consider a Caesarean section.” Chase listened with half an ear. He knew. He’d fucking knew something was going to go wrong. The love of his life was in danger.
    He didn’t stay to listen to the man giving him the mixed news. Instead, he walked around him and went to find Emily.
    She lay in a bed. Her arm hooked up to a monitor and her belly strapped with wires. She looked defenseless and vulnerable. When he walked into the room she smiled at him and his heart melted for her.
    “What happened?” he asked as he got on the bed and folded her in his arms. He was careful not to move any of the monitors.
    “I got scared and for good reason it would seem.” She tapped her leg and Chase knew in his heart she was scared.
    “You’re going to live through this,” he tells her.
    “I know. It’s just too soon.”
    He kissed her head and let her lie against him. There was nothing more they could do but wait.
    The nurses came in and assessed the data from the monitor’s. Lawrence came through after signing all the paperwork. The guy looked liked he’d aged in the short time.
    “I take it this is going to cost a fortune? I’m worrying for nothing,” she joked.
    Lawrence shook his head. “You shouldn’t be worrying about the cost of anything. You should be more worried about what your punishment will be when we get you home,” he teased.
    “My punishment?”
    “Yes. I want to put you over my knee and spank your ass. You should’ve told us this morning what was wrong with you.”
    Chase listened to them talk and held Emily in his arms. Even as rounded as she was with pregnancy she was still small.
    “My big bear is worrying,” she said and Chase smiled down at her.
    “I can’t talk right now. Just let me hold you.”
    Emily snuggled down and within minutes she fell asleep.
    “I guess that’s a good thing. Her being able to sleep?” Lawrence asked.
    Chase pulled out of her arms and walked to his friend. He circled his hands around him and held him close. He didn’t need much right

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