Class Trip

Class Trip by Rachel Burns Page A

Book: Class Trip by Rachel Burns Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rachel Burns
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the mirror so my back was facing it. I looked over my
shoulder and saw red strips and again blood. I turned so I could see
it better but in the end I was like a cat chasing its own tail and
never quite getting it. The view I wanted, I couldn't see but it was
clear that I was marred for life.
    I decided the
best thing to do would be to take a shower and just go in there. I
turned on the water and it was cold. I waited for it to warm up, but
it didn't. I really had to go now so I stepped in and just went. I
opened up my hair and washed my ribbon, which had blood on it too. I
shivered and scrubbed it clean. I hung it over the side of the
    I got my hair all
wet and the water hit my back. I gasped in pain. It hurt so much that
I swooned and cried out. I washed my hair and worked on getting the
dried blood out but the cold water wasn't very effective.
    I leaned against
the wall crying.
    The door of the
shower opened and Tata turned the water off. “Sandra, I told you
that I would help you,” he scolded.
    He was undressing
and he did something on the wall too. He was probably turning the hot
water on. I should have thought of that.
    He came in to me
and wrapped his warm arms around me. I clung to him and shivered.
    “Such nonsense.
Why didn't you wait for me?”
    “I'm sorry.”
    “I know, angel.
Just please never do that again. You learned your lesson?” He face
was filled with worry.
    I nodded. I
really had learned my lesson. The police here weren't going to help
me. Because of me those policemen had probably hurt the other two
    “Why did you
take those girls with you, yesterday.” I looked up at him.
    He was rubbing my
arms. “I had to bribe them. And that they couldn't have had you was
    “But I was the
one who did something wrong.”
    “Yes, but you
have Tata to teach you. No one else is allowed to touch you. I say
that a lot but I don't want any mistakes there. Do you understand?”
    “You don't want
me to sleep with anyone but you.”
    “That's right.
In your whole life you will only know me.”
    “Why are you so
worried? It hurts. Why would I want to do that with someone else?”
I really didn't get the whole adultery thing. It was bad enough with
    He laughed and
turned the water on. “It's warm now.”
    The water was
hitting my back and I just gave up and cried.
    “Shh – it's
part of your punishment. This will help remind you that running away
is very bad. We won't be leaving keys lying around anymore.”
    “You could
leave them in the car with the car running and the door open and I
wouldn't touch it.”
    He really laughed
then. “I guess you have learned your lesson. Still we will be
careful. I learned something too. I thought you were Italian. When
the others find out you are American they will flip out because I
kept you.”
    “Why? Is it
because they don't like Americans?” I was surprised at how I easily
talked to him.
    “No. It's
really hard to get hold of one for sale, especially one like you. You
are sweet and innocent and so beautiful. If you had been up for sale
then you would have brought in over two million.”
    “Just because
I'm American?”
    “Yes, and
because you are so innocent. The combination is very difficult to
find. But I found you and now that you promise to be good – ”
    I nodded.
    “Then nothing
can stand in the way of our happiness.”
    Except that I
wasn't happy.

    He carefully
dressed me and brought me downstairs. Everyone was gathered for
lunch. He was pulling me behind him. He pulled out my chair and I
started biting my lips.
    “Sandra, it's
all part of your punishment. Sit down already.” He gave me a look
that told me not to mess with him.
    But the thought
of even bending was too much for me. “Please no, Tata.”
    His hand flew to
my ear and he had me in a chair in a second. My body tried to bend up
and out of the chair but he was holding me down by my ear. “You
will sit nice for me,” he scolded me.
    I sat on my
bottom and just

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