Class A

Class A by Robert Muchamore

Book: Class A by Robert Muchamore Read Free Book Online
Authors: Robert Muchamore
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you’ve got?’ Nicole asked.
    The second time James moved in, Nicole wrapped her arms around his back and they started snogging .
    The door clicked open and they burst apart. James crashed into the kitchen table as Kerry stepped into the room.
    ‘Hello, hello,’ Kerry grinned. ‘Did I break something up?’
    ‘No,’ James gasped. ‘It’s nothing. We’re just drinking milk before we go up to bed. You want some?’
    ‘Cheers,’ Kerry said.
    James got a glass off the draining board and poured out some milk.
    ‘Anyway,’ he said, stretching into a yawn. ‘It’s gone eleven. I might as well go up to bed.’
    Kerry called him back.
    ‘What?’ he asked.
    ‘You better wash the lipstick off your face,’ she said. ‘Unless you want it all over your pillowcase.’
    James walked up the stairs in a confused state. He fancied Nicole, but he didn’t like Kerry knowing about it.
    Kyle was in the top bunk when James got to their room.
    ‘Some party animal you are,’ James said. ‘Home before eleven.’
    ‘Put the light on if you want,’ Kyle said, sitting up in bed. ‘I’m not tired. It was a decent party, but one of the neighbours complained and the cops came and broke it up. How was boxing?’
    James explained about everything that had happened. He tried to make it sound matter of fact, but the Kerry and Dinesh thing was getting to him and he blurted out something he’d never admitted to anyone.
    ‘Kerry kind of… Sometimes I lie awake at night thinking about her. She’s really, I mean … She’s not stunning … Not the sexiest girl in the world or anything, but there’s something about her that goes through me like a big warm whoosh.’
    ‘You’ve   got   to ask her out,’ Kyle said.
    ‘But I want her to carry on being my mate. What if we end up rowing and hating each other?’
    ‘You’ve got to risk it,’ Kyle said.
    ‘What if she doesn’t even want to go out with me?’
    ‘Look,’ Kyle said firmly. ‘You just got off with Nicole, so you should be excited about that; but all you’re talking about is Kerry, Kerry, Kerry.’
    ‘What do I say to her?’
    ‘Try the truth,’ Kyle said. ‘Tell Kerry how much you like her and then it’s up to her.’
    ‘Maybe you’re right,’ James said. ‘I’ll say something to her first chance I get. I mean, you never know, it might even work out between us.’
    ‘That’s right,’ Kyle said.
    James clicked out the light and climbed under his duvet.
    ‘Kyle, what I don’t get is: how come I’m taking all this advice off you when I’ve never seen you with a girl?’
    ‘I’ve never had a girlfriend,’ Kyle said.
    James was surprised by the honesty. He’d expected Kyle to be defensive.
    ‘Seriously?’ James asked.
    ‘Yep,’ Kyle said.
    ‘But there’s loads of girls at campus. I’m sure I could fix you up with one.’
    ‘I don’t want a girlfriend,’ Kyle said.
    ‘What?’ James asked. ‘Did a girl hurt you really badly or something? Is it like one of those romantic films my mum used to watch?’
    ‘No, James. I don’t like girls.’
    ‘What, you mean you only like old birds? Like, in their twenties or something?’
    Kyle laughed. ‘No. I like boys.’
    James shot up off his mattress. ‘Piss off you do.’
    ‘James, I’m gay.’
    ‘No bloody way,’ James said. ‘This is another Kyle wind-up.’
    ‘I’d appreciate it if you don’t go shouting it off to the whole world, but you were honest to me about Kerry, so there you go. It’s the truth, whether you want to believe it or not.’
    ‘Wow,’ James said. ‘Do you swear that you’re gay, on your life?’
    ‘Yes,’ Kyle said.
    ‘Wow,’ James said.
    He felt like his head was going to explode. He already had too much going on in there, with Kerry and Nicole and the drug dealing.
    ‘Who else knows?’
    ‘I’ve told a few people,’ Kyle said.
    ‘I can’t believe it,’ James gasped. ‘You don’t seem anything like a poof.’
    ‘Actually, I’d prefer it if you

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