Claiming Red
bitch, but I will let Red take her anger out on me instead. I liked her fiery attitude anyway.
    “Excuse me ladies, could you quit the bickering and decide on a color or something already; I got shit to do and I am after you.” The little redhead firebrand wanted to gut me if she could. Those expressive eyes said it all and more. They said I would be a dead man, if I said another word. Too bad I liked a challenge, bring it on Red.
    “Don’t get your panties in a twist, asshole. I am done here, so you can get your cut and wax, you preppy metrosexual ass.”
    Fuck me, I am going to fucking spank her little ass. Whether it is before or after I bury myself in her heat depends on whether or not she learns to shut her fucking mouth. Metrosexual ass, did she have to use sexual and ass in the same sentence. I had been fighting an erection this whole time.
    I walked up to her only inches from her face and whispered, “Red, watch your mouth.”
    “Why? You’re watching it enough for the both of us. I don’t know where you get off tell me what to do, but it is best that you stop it.”
    Red, was a piece of work, all attitude and all woman. It was going to be fun trying to tame her.
    I watched the blush cover her face when I said, for her ears only, “Oh I plan to get off, and you better be ready too.”

Chapter 2: Samantha
    Wow, how fucking stupid am I? Or am I just a glutton for punishment. This bitch had to be out of her fucking mind. She was trying to pawn me off; my pussy and freedom up to the richest bidder. I knew that she was full of shit just saying she wanted to spend a day doing girly shit with me.
    Lying bitch, she set me up on a date with some rich politician. So in other words, I have a date with a sleazy old man. Well he really wasn’t old. I saw a picture of him online. The man was handsome and according to his information he was thirty-five.
    This was the second time in the last year, or so that she had pulled this type of stunt. The first time I fell for her ploy. I thought it was a son of one of their friends, someone in my age group at least, but I was sadly played. Just as I got down the stairs for my date, I heard my mother tell him, “Don’t worry she needs to be trained, but she is worth the money.” All I could see was the back of his head which was covered in grey. Did she really think I would go out with a grandpa? Where was my father in all this? Weren’t fathers’ supposed to protect their daughters from the male species? He had agreed to the date, knowing full well that I was being set up with an old man. All I remember hearing him say was, “She’d better be worth what I paid you.” My stomach had did somersaults and I wanted to puke.
    After that, I ran away from home and I moved in with my new best friend Brady. Brady and I had met while I was working at the mall. He was a lot older than me, but we really got along and he was the only one I could turn to when that had happened. He never tried to make a play on me, which was a nice change for me.
    About two weeks ago I made a boneheaded move, and called my parents. All of my friends were looking for extra tickets for graduation and I had four extras. I thought maybe they would want to be there for my big day, but I called and they told me that they were busy. Brady was the only one there for me as he has been for the last two years. I let my disappointment get to me, again.
    Last week she called and wanted to make it up to me. She had this plan for us to come and get dolled up. I don’t know if it was out of loneliness, or from wanting my mother’s love, but something made me say yes. Now I am here making a fool of myself. Throwing a fit in the town that has been my home for the past four years, in a place I have never been to, and with my behavior will never be again. Thankfully, my tantrum was not that loud. I looked around to see who, if anyone, had noticed.
    The only one who happened to see my little shitfit, happened to be the

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