Cimmerian: A Novel of the Holocaust

Cimmerian: A Novel of the Holocaust by Ronald Watkins Page B

Book: Cimmerian: A Novel of the Holocaust by Ronald Watkins Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ronald Watkins
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problems. Most of the men had raped someone and it had all turned out quite satisfactory.
    In the ravine not all the six hundred were as yet dead. Blood pulsed from the stack of bodies as if the pile had a single great wound and a beating heart. The officers were not certain what to do with the slaughter. Their business was not visible from the tracks so it would not alarm the arriving material and it was not warm so disease was no concern.
    Still, no one wanted to risk leaving the bodies as they were. A Kommando was formed and instructed to cover the mess first with chlorinated lime and then with snow. This did not work out well since the bodies were still warm enough to melt the snow. By morning they were covered with a layer of sleek ice that gave the grotesque blue and white bodies the surrealistic effect of expressionist statues. That second day the Kommando managed to cover the dead. They were left there to rot in the spring. No one thought it would still be their problem by then.
    A few days later Eva embraced Peter as he left the hut. Max did not see as she passed him the ingots of gold carefully wrapped so he could conceal them in his greatcoat. She even kissed him and it was a genuine kiss of love and admiration, he knew, not the hollow mouthing of a brothel whore.
    The butchery of the Hungarian Jews in the forest had given Peter means for getting the gold off the KZ. He did not know how to get it much further than the outer fence but he could get it that far and would work on the rest later.
    A train arrived, as they now did nearly every day, but not as heavily laden as most. In six hours it was off-loaded, the selections made and those about to die were standing in queue at dusk shivering in the frigid air.
    There was a group of guards -- Peter had never been one nor had Max -- who preferred the compliant whores, who regularly pulled a comely woman from the shower queue and took her into the nearby field to rape. This day Peter gave Max a knowing leer and said he was going to get him a Polish slut. Max was taken aback then got a kick out of the idea. As Peter left the Judenrampe he tossed him a coat from the pile of clothing they had taken from the material. “You will need this to keep your britches clean!” He laughed and told the others what his young comrade was up to. They had seen so many other changes in him no one was suspicious.
    The naked material was pressed close to each other. Never mind that the person behind or in front of you was a stranger or, worse, the Rabbi’s wife. People were freezing to death.
    Peter was actually going to have to rape one of the women. He could not have her saying otherwise. It would be too dangerous. He rationalized it would be all right. These women were only moments away from dying and he was offering a little more life to them.
    He did not want a virgin, none of that, nor did he want to tear a woman from her children. He had had enough of that as well. He walked along the queue searching carefully for what he wanted. At last he selected a chunky one with heavy breasts just out of her teens and grabbed her hand.
    She had no idea what was going on and was scared to death. One of the guards laughed and gave her a go-along blow across the buttocks with his truncheon. Peter pulled her by the arm and yanked her down the slope towards the stream near the small railroad bridge. The woman's fox coat Max had given him was swinging in his left hand. He was walking fast and she was trying to stay upright but her bare feet froze on the ground if they were not already frozen. She was saying something to him in Polish but it was not loud enough for him to tell her to stop.
    The guards approved of his selection and shouted for him to really give it to her.
    Because of the slope they would be out of sight of the KZ when they were on the ground. This was the place all the guards took the women. He tossed the coat on the snow and pitched the naked Polack on her back. He removed the

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