Christmas Kiss

Christmas Kiss by Chrissie Loveday Page A

Book: Christmas Kiss by Chrissie Loveday Read Free Book Online
Authors: Chrissie Loveday
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She wants you to make a suitable match in the County Set and I’m getting in the way. Don’t worry. I’ll collect Major later and be out of your and her way.’ She stormed out of his office, ignoring his voice calling after her. She collected her brief case and went out to her car. ‘I have to leave early,’ she told the receptionist.
    She drove away from Truro, desperate to put distance between herself and Alex. He’d be at his desk for hours longer. She hoped he was putting everyone else through the same interrogation as her but sensed he wouldn’t. She drove to a quiet stretch of beach and parked. Dressed in her business suit and high heels, walking along the sand was impossible. She kicked off her shoes, tugged down her tights and walked barefoot down the wooden steps to the beach. There were a few dogs running wildly along the beach, dashing in and out of the sea while the owners stood chatting. She went to the edge of the sea and allowed the waves to lap over her feet. It was freezing but somehow it was also cleansing. Washing away her anger. She had probably burnt her boats with the man she had to admit, she was beginning to care for. Was , she told herself. He was so unreasonable and didn’t even listen to what she was saying. All the good intentions he had suggested when he first arrived had come to nothing. An interview room for starters? Where had that idea gone? She wandered back up the beach to her car and drove home barefoot. The heap of wet sand that collected under the pedals would have to be cleaned out later. She usually hated a dirty car and was obsessive about keeping it tidy but she cared nothing in her present mood. She drove home, wishing she could go for a ride and clear her head. She made tea and sat on the back step to drink it, still barefoot and still wearing a now crumpled business suit.
    Sarah cooked herself a piece of chicken with some stir fry vegetables she had in the freezer and sat down to watch the news. An item on horses reminded her that she had suggested she would collect Major that evening. It was too late now. She needed to organise a lift over to Darnley Manor and then to ride him back. It would be dark before she could manage it all. It would have to wait till the morning. Alex and Moonlight could have the pleasure of his company for one more night. Perhaps Joe would be around the next day and would oblige. She knew Alex would once have insisted on being available, but under the present circumstances, she would never ask him for any sort of favour. When her phone rang, she jumped. She rushed over to it, hoping, she realised that it might be Alex with some sort of apology. Not that she expected it, of course. It was her mother.
    ‘Hallo Darling. How are you?’ she asked.
    ‘Oh, you know. End of a difficult week.’
    ‘Is everything all right, Sarah?’ she asked anxiously.
    ‘Course it is,’ Sarah lied. Any hint of a problem and her mother would rush down. ‘Don’t worry Mum. I’m just tired and it really has been a difficult week.’ She opened up just a little about a new boss who was very demanding.
    ‘And how’s Major?’
    ‘He’s fine. I’m meeting up with the old crowd on Sunday and we’re going for a cross country hack. Lunch somewhere. You know.’
    ‘That’s nice dear. Now, Daddy and I were wondering if you’d be able to come home next weekend? We really need to decide what to do for your birthday. It’s a big one this year and we should celebrate properly. We thought of a party or maybe a dinner for you. What do you think?’
    ‘Oh that’s really sweet of you. But I don’t want a fuss. It’s bad enough being nearly thirty. I don’t find it necessary to let the entire world know.’
    ‘Come home anyway Darling. I was going to suggest you drive up tomorrow but you have plans so let’s make it next weekend. Beth and the kids can come over on the Sunday and we can talk through ideas. She was getting quite carried away but I said no. You

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