Christmas Killing

Christmas Killing by Chrissie Loveday Page A

Book: Christmas Killing by Chrissie Loveday Read Free Book Online
Authors: Chrissie Loveday
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much too noisy here. Can you call back later?’
    ‘Where are you?’
    ‘At the Christmas fair. Speak later.’ And she switched off her phone.
    ‘Bloody brilliant. She’s at the fair.’
    ‘Do you want to go and look for her?’
    ‘Not much point. We’d probably never find her. No, we’ll have to try again later. Might as well go back to the office now. I’ve got a feeling in my bones we need to look at Bert and his brother again.’
    ‘You may be right. If it isn’t either of them, we’re left with Miss Pringle!’
    Ray stared at his companion.
    ‘You don’t mean that?’
    ‘I was joking. But think about it. She’s a miss, nearing middle age. Possibly she’s bitter about something or other.’
    ‘Good lord. You do surprise me. Who else have you got in your sights?’
    ‘The girl from the flat, Marie. She was always very calm about her mate being done in.’
    ‘Possible I suppose. Anyone else?’
    ‘Well there’s always Kevin Riley but he seems to have gone out of the main picture now.’
    ‘Know something? I’m glad I don’t have your mind, Ted. You’ll be blaming me next.’
    ‘What exactly were doing last Wednesday afternoon?’
    ‘I have no idea whatsoever.’
    ‘And you expect everyone else to know? Everyone else needs a perfect alibi but you haven’t even got a shred. It could have been you.’
    ‘Now you are being ridiculous. The Vicar with the meat cleaver in the pantry. Could have been him.’
    ‘Interesting thought, though.’
    ‘What the vicar and meat cleaver?’
    ‘Not exactly. But Miss Pringle. There’s a thought.’

    Chapter Ten
    Ray kept trying to call Matti but without success. It was around five o’clock before he finally reached her.
    ‘I understand you’re going back to work tomorrow. Is that right?’
    ‘Yes. Me and my friend are going in as a twosome.’
    ‘Good. Well, be observant at all times and don’t ever be left alone.’
    ‘Blimey. You must be worried. Am I being daft doing it?’
    ‘No, I don’t think so. I’ll put in one of my officers to watch out for anything so don’t worry. I wondered if you could help me. I need to speak to your father. He wasn’t in work today and I tried to call and see him but your address is different. Well, non-existent.’
    ‘How d’ya mean?’
    ‘The records at Foredyce’s suggest you live at ninety-seven South Street and that doesn’t exist. The numbers stop at ninety-three.’
    ‘Me Dad doesn’t like people calling. He gave the wrong address to that Miss Pringle. Nosy old cow.’
    ‘So where do you live?’
    ‘Sorry, this line’s breaking up,’ she said making stupid noises in her throat. He could have sworn he heard her giggling before she switched it off.
    ‘Damn you girl.’ He dialled the number again but he got voice mail. ‘Now why are you so intent on keeping your home address hidden?’ he murmured. He dialled Miss Pringle’s office.
    ‘Can you do me a favour?’ he asked once he’d reached her. ‘Suggest you can’t pay either of them with cash and say you need their address to post their money to them.’
    ‘Very well. I doubt it will go down very well but I can try. You’re no nearer to solving the crimes?’
    ‘I’m afraid not. Many thanks. Oh, I shall be posting one of our officers around the store when the Grotto opens again. Let’s hope it helps. Goodbye then.’
    ‘Goodbye. And thanks.’
    Ray put his phone down and looked at his computer.
    ‘I’m wondering more about Miss Pringle. Do you really think she could be capable?’
    ‘Who can tell?’
    ‘She was definitely uncomfortable when we were in the corridor. As if she was going to tell us something and then gave up. I’ll talk some more about my teacher. See what comes out of it.’
    ‘I doubt she is guilty. She’s much too respectable. Anything you need me to do? Cos if not, I’ve got a heap of outdated papers to look at.’
    ‘No, you get on with it. Need to keep up with the papers to keep them upstairs

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