Christmas in Sawyer Falls

Christmas in Sawyer Falls by H. M. Bailey Page B

Book: Christmas in Sawyer Falls by H. M. Bailey Read Free Book Online
Authors: H. M. Bailey
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    “ I’m not strong. I just did what any mother would do. Life goes on and I had to keep living. For Andrew .   And you’ve been strong for me , too . I don’t know what I would have done without you, even now that I’m teaching again, you and Dad help me out so much. ”
    Tess brought a stack of plates over to the sink and set them down. She turned to face Hannah and was about to say something but then stopped and changed her mind .
    “What is it, Mom?” Hannah asked.
    “Well, we put you first in our life just like you put Andrew first. And you are a wonderful mother because of it . But…well…sometimes you need to take care of yourself, too. “
    Hannah knew where this was going and she didn’t like it.
    “Maybe you should think about dating again. It’s been three years, Hannah, and I know that Mi chael would want you to be happy .”
    Hannah ’s cheeks burned hot as she turned from the sink to face her m other .
    “I am happy! And honestly, being a second grade teacher and a mother keeps me too busy to date. It’s something that honestly never even crosses my mind . ”
    “ It’s Christmas break now, dear , you have time to date.”
    Hannah laughed and shook her head.
    Tess smiled innocently. “ I’m just saying , you’re not busy now. Do your mother a favor and put some serious thought into it. You are still so yo ung. I want you to find a partner in life, someone to grow old with…”
    Hannah blinked away tears as she loaded plates into the dishwasher. “But Mom, I had that. And I don’t want to have to go through losing it again. I couldn’t take it.”
    “There are no guarantees in life, dear, but love is worth the risk. It’s always worth the risk.”
    Hannah felt a lump in her throat. She didn’t want to discuss the subject any more. “I’ll finish up in here for you. You look tired, why don’t you go sit in front of the fire.”
    “Thank you, I am a bit tired. But Hannah, give it some thought.”
    Hannah responded only with a nod.
    After the kitchen was cleaned up, Hannah thought she’d take advantage of Andrew being gone by wrapping some Christmas presents in her room . Wrapping always put her in a good mood and she could definitely use that after the uncomfortable talk with her mother. She didn’t want to think about dating. She wouldn’t even know how to date; it had been so many years now. It was definitely out of her comfort zone and Hannah rarely went outside of that.
    And where would she even meet someone. She spent her days with second graders and then came home to spend time with Andrew, go for walks, eat dinner with her parents, work on lesson plans and go to bed . That was her life.
    Then she remembered the man from the gas station. The last morning of school before Christmas break she was running late to work and was trying to pay for her gas in a hurry when she dropped her purse reaching for her wallet, spilling the contents around the feet of the other customers waiting in line. She dropped to her knees in embarrassment trying to quickly corral her phone, wallet, lips tick and everything else that had fallen out.
    Suddenly she was aware of another customer on his knees, helping her gather up her stuff. She looked up to thank the stranger and her breath had caught in her throat at the sight of the thick, dark hair, forest green eyes and perfectly chiseled features. And then he smiled at her and it made her feel like she was the only woman in the whole world. Or at least in the gas station.
    She had stammered a thank you and hopefully didn’t drool too much before getting up . “No problem, Hannah, I’m glad to help,” he told her.
    Her heart stopped for a second. “Do I know you?” she’d asked him. He shook his head no and pointed to her school ID badge that had her name in bold letters under her picture. Ugh, it was not a very flattering picture at that.
    She probably would have stayed to talk to him longer and she wished she could have at least

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