just said was very flirty too. She really had no idea how to act around men. She had never properly dated. Chris had been her only real boyfriend and he had instigated their relationship. She had never tried to impress him or say the right things because in the first month or so he had been completely smitten with her. Though her shine had clearly rubbed off very quickly.
‘Making furniture is what I’m most comfortable with. This is just a bit of fun for me, it’s nothing like the kind of sculptures you produce,’ Henry said, leaning round her to brush away some more sawdust. ‘I bet you could do something like this very easily. Have you ever carved with wood before?’
Penny swallowed as his sweet, spicy Christmassy scent enveloped her. She shook her head.
‘Have a go.’ He picked up a tiny chisel and offered it to her.
‘Oh, I couldn’t, I don’t want to ruin it.’
He leaned round her, bracketing her with his arms as he took her hands and placed them on the chisel. Goosebumps exploded on her body at his touch. She moved the chisel to the thick fur around the reindeer’s neck. Henry’s hands stayed over hers even though they both knew it wasn’t necessary. As Penny had told Daisy this morning, the skills were completely transferable. She obligingly chipped a few small chunks of wood away, making the fur collar more defined. It was fun to work on a different canvas. This one was a lot more permanent than the carvings she created.
A cough came from behind them and Henry immediately stepped back away from Penny.
Daisy was standing in the doorway, with a slight scowl on her face. She turned her attention away from her dad and looked at Penny. ‘There’s a man here to see you. Josh?’
Penny nodded. ‘Can you tell him I won’t be a second?’
Daisy hesitated for a second then left.
Penny let out a breath she hadn’t realised she had been holding and brushed the hair off her face in frustration.
‘I’m not sure what is going on here, whether all this – the flirting, looks, touches and comments – is just some kind of game for you, or you are just incapable of not flirting with a woman, but nothing is going to happen between us so you can stop it now.’
Henry looked stunned. ‘You’re flirting with me.’
‘I am not.’
‘You brought me cake,’ Henry said, with exasperation.
‘I’m sorry, I didn’t realise cake was the international sign language for I want to get you into bed. If that’s the case I must have been flirting with my friend Maggie every Saturday for the last five or six years.’
‘I’m rubbish at reading women, but I thought you made it pretty bloody obvious you were attracted to me.’
Penny felt her mouth fall open. What had she done to give him that impression?
He stepped closer. ‘Your breathing accelerates when I come near you, your pupils dilate, I can see your pulse hammering against your throat, your body goes into goosebump overdrive whenever I touch you,’ he said, softly laying his finger on her arm and her body betrayed her by proving his point.
‘Fine. I am attracted to you.’
‘I’m very attracted to you, so what’s the problem?’
‘You.’ She gestured frantically at him and all his spectacular gorgeousness. She suddenly stopped her protests for a second to appreciate his wonderful words. He was attracted to her. The endless flirting hadn’t just been a bit of silly fun for him, he actually was attracted to her. Very, was the word he used.
‘What’s the problem with me?’ Henry asked.
She stared at him, realising he wasn’t the problem, she was.
‘I can’t do a relationship. I go into them with everything I have. I’m sure that’s not the kind of thing you’re looking for.’
He didn’t argue against it but finally he spoke. ‘You’re right, I’m not looking for anything serious right now.’
‘And I’m not looking for anything casual. I haven’t been in a relationship since the last one ended in the most
Jill Archer
J.J. Thompson
Émile Zola
Jennifer Estep
Erin Bedford
Heather Graham
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Kate Charles