Chosen to Be His Little Angeline
with a dark blue ribbon that matched her eyes. She wore a white pinafore dress that ended mid-thigh with an under blouse of dark blue. Her legs were bare except for white knee socks that ended in black slippers. Her sweet, high cheeks were tinged the prettiest pink in her embarrassment at being so childishly displayed.
    "Turn around."
    Angeline reluctantly did so.
    Blackhurst loved the ruffles that covered the bottom of her little bloomers as they peeked out from the high hem of her innocent dress. She looked like a living, angelic doll. His doll baby.
    "I don't understand what is happening. Why are you treating me like this?" she whimpered.
    He reached up to brush a tear away from her cheek, then picked her up and cradled her in his arms as he walked to sit at the head of the small morning room table.
    "Tell me, love, were you pleased with Lady Herrington's son?"
    "Wh…what?" asked Angeline confused.
    "Were you pleased with Lord Herrington? It is a simple question. Did he meet your girlish expectations of what a charming lord in attendance should be?"
    "No," she whispered.
    "I didn't hear you, love."
    "No, he ignored me and was mean," she answered only marginally louder.
    "I see," he said with a look of calm understanding as he played with a lock of her hair. "Did you know he planned to make sport of you by taking your maidenhead in front of the guests later the first evening of the party?"
    Angeline was too shocked to answer so Blackhurst continued.
    "And your escapade in Lady Shackelton's maze?"
    "Stop!" cried Angeline as she tried to place her hands over her ears.
    "I believe when I found you…you were making a new friend." His voice was calm and smooth but his words were ruthless. "Shall we discuss the excessive wine next?"
    Angeline grabbed the lapels of his jacket as she buried her face against his neck. "No, no. Please don't!"
    He stroked her back as he pressed kisses against her hair. "My love, in the few days I have known you, you have proven time and again that you not only need a firm hand to find pleasure but also to guide your actions."
    Angeline wrenched herself out of his arms and off his lap, stumbling back. Her wanton, wicked need to feel pain in order to feel pleasure was a source of great embarrassment for her. She refused to come to terms with how it made her feel to be held down by his strong arms. The very memory of how her body betrayed her in the carriage ride to his estate brought tears to her eyes. She shouldn't enjoy being treated in such a way let alone crave it.
    "It's not true." She sniffed, backing away. "It's not!" she yelled, stomping her foot.
    Blackhurst slowly rose to tower over her small frame.
    Angry that she should still be questioning his judgment, he abruptly seized her by the shoulders and bent her over the table. "I will show you the truth of my words, little one."
    Flipping her short skirt up, he yanked her bloomers and cloth diaper down to her knees. Freeing his cock from his trousers, Blackhurst pushed the blunt head between her closed thighs, relishing in the tight feel.
    "No! I don't want this!" screamed Angeline as she struggled to rise.
    "Yes, you do," he rasped as he kept a restraining left hand on her lower back, using his right hand to position his cock at her entrance as the tip slid against her wetness.
    He thrust his hips forward, driving his shaft inside of her to the hilt in one brutal thrust. Angeline gasped at the burning pain as her body struggled to accommodate his girth. She moaned as swells of intense sensation rippled up her spine.
    "Stop," she breathed, overcome.
    "No." He raised his right hand and gave her a stinging slap on her bottom just as he thrust forward. He continued the dual assault. Spanking her bottom to a throbbing bright red while tearing into her tight passage with each thrust of his cock.
    The warm heat from his punishing spanks matched the growing heat building inside her. She held her breath, anticipating his next hit…his next

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