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Book: Chosen by Kristin Cast, P.C. Cast and Kristin Cast Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kristin Cast, P.C. Cast and Kristin Cast
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    Still meeting my gaze squarely, she approached me. Barely giving Erik a glace she said, “Move out of the way, lame ex-boyfriend.” Surprising me, Erik actually stepped out of her way so that she took earth’s place in front of me. “Call earth and light it, and you’ll see,” Aphrodite said.
    Before anyone could protest I followed my gut, already knowing from the premonition it was giving me what would happen.“Earth supports us and nurtures us. As the fourth element I call earth to our circle!” I repeated and then touched my newly lit match to the green candle. It flamed instantly, surrounding Aphrodite and me in the scents and sounds of a lush meadow at full bloom in the middle of summer.
    Aphrodite spoke softly. “Nyx decided I needed more shit in my already crap-filled life. So now I have an affinity for earth. Ironic enough for you?”

    â€œOh, no damn way!” Shaunee shouted.
    â€œDitto, Twin! Only no
damn way!” Erin said.
    â€œI can’t believe this is right,” Damien said.
    â€œBelieve it,” I said, my back still to the rest of the circle as I continued to stare at Aphrodite. Before my friends could freak out any more I added, “Look at the circle.” I hadn’t needed to look at it. I already knew what I’d see, and their gasps told me I was right. Still, I turned slowly, awed anew by the beauty of the powerful thread of goddess-given light that bound the four of them together. “She’s telling the truth. Nyx sent her out here. Aphrodite has an affinity for earth.”
    Shocked into silence, my friends just stared as I moved to the center of the circle and picked up my purple candle. “Spirit is what makes us unique, what gives us courage and strength, and it is what lives on after our bodies are no more. Come to me, spirit!” I was engulfed in all four elements as spirit rushed into me, filling me with peace and joy. I walked around the circle, meeting my friends’ confused, upset gazes, trying to help themunderstand something I didn’t really get myself, but what I could feel was, indeed, Nyx’s will.
    â€œI don’t pretend to understand Nyx. The Goddess’s ways are mysterious and sometimes she asks really hard things of us. This is one of those hard things. Like it or not, Nyx has made it clear that Aphrodite should take Stevie Rae’s place in our circle.” I looked at Aphrodite. “I don’t think she’s exactly thrilled about it.”
    â€œUnderstatement,” Aphrodite mumbled.
    I continued. “But we have a choice. Nyx doesn’t force our will. We need to be in agreement about letting Aphrodite in, or—” I hesitated, not knowing how to finish. We’d tried to cast the circle with someone else, and Erik hadn’t been allowed to represent earth. Maybe it was
Erik the Goddess didn’t want standing in the circle, but I found that hard to believe. Not only was Erik a good guy and already a member of our Council, but my gut was telling me that the problem wasn’t that Nyx didn’t want Erik. The problem was that Nyx specifically wanted Aphrodite. I sighed and blundered on. “Or I guess we can start trying a bunch of different kids and seeing if any of them are allowed to manifest earth.” I looked outside the circle and met Erik’s shadowed eyes. “But I don’t think Erik’s the issue.” He smiled at me, but it was just a movement his mouth made; the smile didn’t reach his eyes or touch his face.
    â€œI think we have to do what Nyx wants us to do. Even if we don’t like it,” Damien said.
    â€œShaunee?” I turned to her. “What’s your vote?”
    Shaunee and Erin shared a look and I swear, weird as it sounds, I could almost see words pass in the air between them.
    â€œWe’ll let the hag join the

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