Choosing Riley: Sarafin Warriors Book 1
confused frown. Glancing out the
huge section of windows that overlooked two separate landing bays
divided by a huge wall of rock, she figured she could at least
watch as her guys took off. Since she couldn’t see them down there
yet she figured they might need a little help. She had absolutely
no idea what to do but figured if she started pushing enough
buttons something was bound to work sooner or later.
    “Well, I told them I was great at causing a
distraction,” she muttered darkly as she began pushing as many
buttons as fast as she could. “Oops, maybe I shouldn’t have pushed
that one,” she whispered under her breath when the lights flashed
on and off in the landing bay.
    Riley pushed another button and realized she
could hear herself breathing over the PA system. She could warn the
guys they needed to get their asses up here toot sweet if they
wanted a spaceship. At the rate the other prisoners were leaving,
they were going fast.
    “Hello. Can everyone hear me? Hell…. lo! Vox,
Tor, Lodar?” She called out hoping they could hear her over the
stupid alarms that had gone off when she was pushing buttons.
Unfortunately, she couldn’t figure out how to turn them off. “Damn
it! How do you turn the alarms off? The damn things are giving me a
headache.” She muttered before she turned to see one of the Antrox
guards trying to sneak up behind her. “Oh no you don’t, you nasty
little insect!”
    Riley let loose with several shots adding to
the growing pile of dead bodies. “Take that you son-of-a-bitch!
Who’s your momma now, asshole?” Riley crowed before she realized
she still had the communication system open. “Fred, Bob honey, if
you can hear me I have all the doors open. I have to tell you.
You’d better hurry. Those spaceship thingies are really flying out
of here fast. I don’t know if there are going to be any left if you
don’t get your asses up here now. Uh oh, I don’t think those two
know how to drive one. Oops, nope. They didn’t.” She croaked out as
she watched the dark night of space light up as two departing ships
    Several Antrox guards turned startled and
looked up at the control room as the lights in the landing bay
flashed on and off. Antrox 785 looked up in disbelief when he saw
the strange female standing at the controls instead of his men.
Riley glanced down at him at the same time as he turned all the way
around to stare in disbelief. Antrox 785 watched as if in slow
motion as she gave him a huge smile and raised her hand, her middle
finger pointing straight up, before blowing him a kiss. He could
feel the deep flush of shock and outrage that his mining operation
was no longer under his control.
    “Get me the guards on Level 5,” he growled
out at the same time as the alarms sounded stating all systems had
been deactivated. “Wait!” He ordered sharply. “On second thought,
get my personal ship ready immediately. It is time I retired,” he
muttered to his personal guards.
    “Antrox 785, what of the others?” His guard
asked stiffly.
    “The prisoners have been released,” Antrox
785 stated coolly, looking at the guard. “Do you wish to search for
the others?”
    The guard looked back up at the female in the
control room who was currently firing a laser pistol at someone. He
looked back at Antrox 785 and bowed his head. Turning, the small
group hurried to one of the tubes leading up to Antrox 785’s
personal space craft.
    Antrox 785 turned before he walked up to the
tube to look one last time at the strange female who had brought an
end to his sixty years of profit. Luckily, he had always known that
something like this could happen and had prepared for it. He shook
his head as he turned to follow his guards. He really would have
liked to have killed the trader that brought her here first; before
he retired. A small smile curved his thin lips as he thought about
how much Antrox 157 wanted to be promoted. He hoped he enjoyed his

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