Child of Time
    “Draxos and DC have some things they needed to take
care of so Fred and Kiyan are going to work on life bending today
and Jeremy will finish up his training of ice bending before the
end of the day in all likelihood.” The group was soon at the top of
the cliffs with the use of the gravity tubes and setting about
their tasks.
    Kiyan had gotten used to life bending and didn't even
have to concentrate any more in order to see the life energy
flowing around him. Making plants change into what he wanted them
to be was difficult. It took him most of the morning to grow plants
from the seeds that he had been given and change them into the
assigned shapes. He let the energy from the surrounding area flow
into a seed, then he watched as it sprouted and grew into a blade
of grass. Kiyan fed energy into the blade until it began to swell
and grow, soon it was a small tree. Other times he was supposed to
take what would become a tree and make it into a flower.
    “That's pretty good Kiyan.” Theo interrupted, “Watch
this.” Theo began showing Kiyan a memory. Kiyan watched as Theo
connected with a seed and began to feed energy into it. I grew much
like Kiyan's but faster, what had taken Kiyan an hour took Theo
mere seconds. In another few seconds the tree swelled into a forest
giant, crackling and groaning as it grew. After reaching a lofty
stature, Theo began to make changes at a level that Kiyan couldn't
see but could feel with Theo's help. The tree shifted until it
began to glow visibly, a few more moments and it was a majestic
glow wood. Theo suddenly stopped playing the memory and Kiyan felt
a note of alarm from him.
    Kiyan refocused on the present. Casting his senses
around he felt Kendra and Carlisle who seemed disturbed as well.
Looking up into the sky he felt the same thing he had before but
this time it was much stronger, strong enough he was able to define
it. The feeling of intense hatred, an emotion that though alien to
him was familiar somehow. Something he had sensed before but long
ago. The name Dark One was associated with the strong emotion that
Kiyan could feel getting stronger.
    Looking into the sky Kiyan saw tiny specks of light
growing brighter. Soon hundreds of them filled the sky, He
recognized them from the dream. The realization of what would
happen next hit Kiyan before he saw the smaller lights detach from
the large lights. He watched in horror as one of the smaller lights
remained in its place and grew larger. Realizing that it was headed
at his location shocked Kiyan into action.
    He summoned all his strength and grasped the earth
around him, hurling it with all his strength at the light advanced
at him. The boulders collided and the light flashed as bright as
the sun then went out. Kiyan sank to the ground weakened from the
exertion. The earth around him was shredded. Another light began
streaking toward them. Theo appeared a moment before impact and
constructed a barrier of energy before it struck.
    A moment later a wave of energy launched from Samtan
moving faster than any of them could see. It destroyed all the
smaller lights as it struck. Some of the larger lights appeared to
disintegrate as they were struck. Kiyan felt Kendra shift into
energy and race into the sky, he watched as she touched some of the
lights with her energy. Flashes of light marked her touch. He could
feel her rage as the sky was lit with her wrath. Kiyan surges in
the energy around him as Prometheus erupted into energy and joined
Kendra in the sky.
    Kiyan felt regenerating energy surging through him
from Kendra and Prometheus. There was a wave of heat from Corban as
he shifted into a fire elemental. Kiyan saw the creatures then.
Lizard like beings with yellow razors like teeth and claws. They
reeked of hatred and disgust. Corban struck first. There was a
flash as Corban erupted into an inferno and engulfed dozens of the
creatures. Jeremy and Fred began to move bending earth and water at
the creatures as fast as they

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