true. She
felt euphoric. The bite had been a very quick stab of pain and then bliss. The
hand in her hair had dislodged the improvised blindfold and her eyes flew open
wide as her blood flowed into his mouth. He did not drink from her for long,
and she watched as he bit the tip of his own finger and felt him rub the
welling blood on her wounds. She closed her eyes and basked in the sensations.
Alex only needed a little blood and Sara was so small that
he was afraid to go too far. He closed her wounds, but although they stopped
bleeding immediately, they were healing slower than was usual. He made a
mental note to talk with Aurora about it.
He thought about Aurora. She wanted him to please Sara. He
looked down at the little woman in front of him, and he wanted to please her too,
not just for Aurora, but for his sake and Sara’s, as well. She was very sweet,
and he was discovering that she had a little dark side. He liked it. As polite
and mannered as Vampires had become, they were still violent thrill seekers
underneath. It had been a long time since anyone, except Aurora on occasion,
wanted him to give them glorious pain.
He touched Sara’s face gently and waited for some of the
blood drunkenness to wear off. If she wanted to enjoy the play, she would need
to come back a little from the bliss she was currently enjoying. He absently
touched her soft skin while he waited. It wasn’t long before her breath
started coming faster again.
“Sara,” he called to her, and she acknowledged. That’s a
good sign, he thought. “What’s your safe word?”
“Destiny,” she replied immediately, with only a little
slurring. “Are you going to make me beg, now?”
“Of course I will, my little dove.”
He spent approximately another hour playing little games of
pain and ecstasy all over her trembling body. In the end, she had cried out many
times and definitely squirmed, but she never did beg him to stop and she never
used her safe word. Her tolerance inflamed his Vampire cruelty, exciting him
immensely, but he knew he should save any rougher play for a more appropriate
As they were getting dressed, he stood behind her, zipping
up her dress and he put his lips to her ear and whispered softly. “Will you
let me touch this part of you again?”
She knew he wasn’t talking about her ear. The thought of
being with him again, made her feel flushed and aroused all over and she just
nodded without speaking.
They ran back to the barn in a rain storm, remembering to grab
some jars of fruit to bring with them. She was famished, but it was so late
when they returned that Ryan was already sleeping, and she did not want to wake
him to eat.
Aurora was also lying quietly in the loft with her eyes
closed, but Alex could tell that she was not asleep. He lay down next to her
and put his arms around her. She smiled faintly without opening her eyes as
she could sense his satisfaction and pleasant mood. It made her truly happy to
know that he had honored her wishes with regard to Sara, and she was mildly
surprised at how well Sara seemed to have pleased Alex. Sara was definitely
getting more fascinating by the day.
In the morning, Sara woke alone in the loft. She could
hear the others, so she was not concerned. It sounded as if Aurora was moving
things around below in the barn. Probably packing, Sara thought. She knew
they were planning to leave soon. She could hear the horses outside the barn
in the yard and from their low voices, she knew that Ryan and Alex were out
there with them. Hearing his voice made her think of Alex and their evening
together. She was still sore in many places, but the afterglow had not entirely
left her yet. She was so exhausted by the time she climbed up into the loft
the night before that she barely remembered laying down to sleep. She had a
vague recollection of seeing Alex holding Aurora and a couple of feet on
Mary Hoffman
César Aira
Erin Bowman
Mike Brooks
Diana Dempsey
Michael Sutherland
Madison Johns
Juliette Sobanet
Sasha Moore, Anita Cox
Pete Hautman