Chasing Sam: Vegas Mates Book 1
arms with Nicole.
    Her sister leaned toward her ear. “So…do
tell. What’s up with the soldier-boy hottie back there? You know he
stood staring at you for a full minute or so before he left.”
    Really? Sam felt her wolf perk at the
information, too. Her wolf hadn’t been interested in any guy, ever,
that she could remember. Now, out of the blue, her furry companion
was flipping out. Not to mention her own hormones seemed to be
revving up.
    “He could be a good match for us.” The
wolf’s voice urged.
    Sam shook her head. She didn’t want a match.
She wanted to finish medical school. “I just bumped into him when
we were got off the plane. He picked up my coat for me. It was
nothing, Nicole.”
    “I don’t think he thought it was nothing.”
She laughed. “I know Mom didn’t. You should have heard her. She
started going on and on about the Michaels pack and how they
weren’t worthy of even being in the same room with one of her
daughters. Blah, blah, blah.”
    “I dropped my coat, and he picked it up for
me, end of story,” she whispered back to her sister. No need to
mention that the coat had been stolen first and that Chase had
recovered it for her. There was also that strange connection I
felt. Maybe that wasn’t the end of the story for “soldier-boy
hottie”. Her wolf agreed wholeheartedly. Michaels pack or not, she
was going to have to talk to the hottie again.
    Wait a minute. How did mom
know he was a Michaels?
    Chase tossed his bag into the bed of his
brother’s black F-150 pickup truck. He pulled open the passenger
door and slid into the passenger seat.
    “Hey, bro. Good to see you’re back in one
piece. Mom will be glad.” His brother sniffed the air before
turning the key in the ignition. “Who’s the girl?”
    “Nobody,” he grumbled and crossed his arms.
He could still smell her scent, too . It clung to him like a
sweet cloud . Even his wolf was fidgeting, irritated that she
had slipped away so quickly at the airport.
    His brother grinned. “Nobody, huh? She sure
has you all sullen and broody.”
    “Shut it, Chris,” he snarled. “Sorry,” Chase
apologized immediately. His wolf was practically screaming in his
head, but he didn’t want to hear it. He shouldn’t take out his
frustration on his brother. “She’s a Demakis.”
    That explained it all.
    Chris sighed and pulled out into the busy
airport traffic. “You didn’t know?”
    “No, I just bumped into her getting off the
plane.” He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. “I can’t explain
it, but there was just something about her, Chris.”
    “Well, keep it to yourself. That family will
come after you in a heartbeat if you mess with one of theirs.”
    “I know.” Chase flexed his hands. “My wolf
disagrees though.”
    “Chase,” Chris growled in warning.
    “She was just so… God, I can’t stop thinking
about her. In seventy-five years I’ve hardly dated. Now I brush
against a woman, barely speak to her, and my wolf is going
    He stared out the windshield at the colorful
neon lights as Chris drove through the main strip of Vegas. The
huge Glass House Hotel and Casino sparkled as they passed. The
gleaming reminder of their exorbitant wealth and prestige was the
pride and joy of the Vegas branch of the Demakis family. Originally
from Greece, Demakis werewolves were considered one of the first
noble families. The Michaels…weren’t.
    “Which one did you run into?”
    Chase flashed Chris a confused look.
    “Dude, you’ve been gone a long time, haven’t
    “Kinda enrolled in the army, remember?”
    Chris laughed. “Yeah, you need to stop doing
that. It really freaks Mama out. Anyway, the Demakis sisters are
like Vegas royalty. Always plastered all over the tabloids,
especially the younger twins. Now, the oldest sister is off
studying at Duke to be some kind of doctor. I forget exactly what
the article said, but man, she is gorgeous. She’s not usually in

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