Chased Dreams
succeeded; and when I reentered the bedroom, I found my pretty girl
sound asleep.
    Smiling, I slipped under the covers,
snuggling close to her. A small moan escaped her as she curled up
to me without waking.
    Happiness infused me—something I hadn’t felt
in a long time, and I realized how badly I missed it. Happy
Chase—it was nice to recognize this part of myself, again.
Relaxing, I closed my eyes.
    Britt’s soft breathing whispered against my
skin in a gentle caress, and for some reason, the feel of it made
me ponder my existence and what the true meaning of life was. Why
was I here? What purpose was I meant to fulfill? Why did everything
seem so hard?
    There were points, over the last several
years, that seemed like muddled fog to me—nothing but blurred
memories mixed with pain and heartbreak. Was there some divine
lesson I was supposed to learn from all this? I wasn’t sure, but I
would’ve been happy to continue on my merry way without having to
go through all the bullshit I’d been through. It seemed as if when
I finally made it to the top of one hill, there was an even bigger
one to climb behind it. I just wanted to live my life and be happy.
Was that such a hard request?
    Sighing heavily, I ran my hand through my
hair. Brittney stirred beside me.
    “Why are you still awake?” Her voice cracked
and I jumped, not expecting to hear her speak.
    “Oh, I was just thinking, babe. Sorry if I
disturbed you. I’ll go to sleep, now. I love you,” I answered in
the dark, but she didn’t reply, instead she rolled over and scooted
her butt up against me as she spooned against me. It was comforting
to feel her there and I felt myself relax even more, closing my
eyes and allowing myself to drift off to sleep.

Chapter Twelve
    The sound of the shower, combined with loud
music, brought me back to reality in the morning and I sat up,
eyeing my crutches by the bed. I didn’t want to use them anymore.
They were irritating. The doctor had warned me not to put any
weight on my leg, but I didn’t care. I’d been working hard in
physical therapy and I was going to test it out. Gingerly standing,
I carefully applied some pressure to my toes. There was a slight
twinge of discomfort, but it faded quickly. Slowly, I half hopped,
half hobbled toward the bathroom.
    Spying the cup next to the toothbrushes, a
hateful, truly nasty idea popped into my head. Brittney hadn’t
noticed I’d come in, due mostly to her singing along with the
music. Quietly, I snatched the cup and filled it with cold water
before sneaking over to the shower. Reaching the cup over the top,
I dumped its icy contents right on her.
    Laughter bubbled out of me as her shrieking
echoed off the walls, hurting my ears. The shower door flung open
and I was instantly rewarded with a five star slap to the face.
    “What the hell, Chase?” she yelled, her skin
red with anger.
    My cheek tingled sharply from where she’d
hit me, but all I could was stare at her dripping wet body.
“Sorry,” I muttered, surprised she’d gotten so angry with me. But
my mind could only focus on one thing at a time and currently I was
wondering how fast I could get out of my clothes.
    Doing my best impersonation of a stripper, I
quickly managed to shed everything and get into the shower, happy
that I no longer had to bag my leg to prevent it from getting
    “Well, someone is starting to feel better,”
Brittney said wryly. I could see the admiration in her eyes.
Lifting her hand, she stroked the side of my face. I’m sorry I hit
    “Don’t worry about it,” I replied, gathering
her into my arms. “It was kind of hot.”
    She laughed. “You’re such a dork.”
    “Hmm. Not the name I was going for.”
    “Really? And what name was that?” she
teased. “Nerd? Asshole?”
    I chuckled. “That’s a wide gap from nerd to
asshole. Ouch.”
    “You deserve it,” she said.
    “I suppose I do, but maybe just for now you
could call me something like hot lover, or

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