Charles Darwin*

Charles Darwin* by Kathleen Krull Page B

Book: Charles Darwin* by Kathleen Krull Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kathleen Krull
Tags: Retail, Ages 8+
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of British Entomology
    improvement of species
    industrial society
    inherited traits
    Insectivorous Plants (Darwin)
    Intelligent Design
    intermediate forms

    Jameson, Robert
    journals. See also notebooks; The Voyage of the Beagle (Darwin)

    Kew Gardens
    Kingsley, Charles

    Lamarck, Jean-Baptiste
    laws of nature
    Leonardo da Vinci
    Lincoln, Abraham
    Linnaeus, Carl
    Linnean Society
    London Zoo
    Lunar Society
    Lyell, Charles
    Darwin’s introduction to
    geology texts
    gifts to Darwin
    influence on Darwin’s work
    support for Darwin’s work
    and Wallace

    mail service
    Malthus, Thomas
    “Man book.” See The Descent of Man and Selection in Relation to Sex (Darwin)
    marine iguanas
    marine zoology
    Martineau, Harriet
    mass media
    Matthew, Arnold
    medicine. See also health of Darwin
    and botany
    and Darwin’s father
    education for
    and germ theory
    influence of Darwin’s work
    and the Plinian Society
    Mendel, Gregor
    missing links
    modern synthesis
    “Monkey Trial,”
    Mount Darwin
    The Mount (Darwin family estate)

    native peoples
    “The Natural History of Babies” (Darwin)
    natural selection
    Natural Theology (Paley)
    naturalism and natural philosophy
    and the Beagle trip
    and Darwin’s collections
    and Darwin’s education
    and observation
    and religion
    and Victorian society
    A Naturalist’s Companion (Graves)
    nature vs. nurture
    Newton, Isaac
    nickname of Darwin
    Nightingale, Florence
    notebooks. See also journals

    Oliver Twist (Dickens)
    On the Origin of Species (Darwin)
    On the Various Contrivances by Which British and Foreign Orchids Are Fertilized by Insects and on the Good Effects of Intercrossing (Darwin)
    opposition to Darwin’s work
    Owen, Fanny
    Oxford University

    Paley, William
    Paradise Lost (Milton)
    perfectionism of Darwin
    perseverance of Darwin
    Personal Narrative of a Journey to the Equinoctial Regions of the New Continent (Humboldt)
    Plinian Natural History Society
    Pliny the Elder
    popular science
    population theory
    postal system
    The Power of Movement in Plants (Darwin)
    prehistoric man
    Preliminary Discourse on the Study of Natural Philosophy (Herschel)
    Priestley, Joseph
    Principles of Geology (Lyell)
    priority of scientific discoveries

    race issues
    and agnosticism
    and Catastrophism
    Church of England
    and Darwin’s marriage
    Darwin’s theology education
    and English education
    and evolutionary theory
    and FitzRoy
    and fixation of species concept
    and natural selection
    and naturalism
    and opposition to Darwin’s work
    and population theory
    and spiritualism
    and the X Club
    reproduction. See also population theory
    Royal Botanic Gardens
    Royal Medal
    Royal Society

    Salvador, Brazil
    The Sceptical Chymist (Boyle)
    scientific method
    Scopes, John
    Scopes trial
    Sedgwick, Adam
    Shrewsbury, England
    Shrewsbury Grammar School
    South America
    species. See also evolution
    Spencer, Herbert
    St. Jago, Cape Verde Islands
    Stephens, James Francis
    Stone Age tools
    survival of the fittest
    Systema Naturae (Linnaeus)

    A Tale of Two Cities (Dickens)
    Tenerife, Canary Islands
    Tennyson, Alfred
    theology education
    Thoreau, Henry David
    Tierra del Fuego, Argentina
    Times (London)
    trade routes
    transitional species
    transmutation. See also adaptation
    Transmutation Notebooks
    Tree of Life drawing

    United States
    University of Chicago

    Valdivia, Chile
    The Variation of Animals and Plants under Domestication (Darwin)
    variation of species
    Venus flytraps
    Vestiges of the Natural History of Creation (Chambers)
    Victoria, Queen of England
    Victorian society
    The Voyage of the Beagle (Darwin)

    Wallace, Alfred Russel
    water cures
    wealth of Darwin family

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