
Chapter1 by Ribbon of Rain Page A

Book: Chapter1 by Ribbon of Rain Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ribbon of Rain
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brushed his mouth with lips light as a feather.   He reached out to hug her, but she slipped away and hurried down the stairs.
    Jude hunted for his clothes, finally finding them under the bed.   Jesus.   People coming, people going.   This place was getting worse than Grand Central Station.   In his haste, his fingers fumbled with the zipper of his jeans.   He yanked on a T-shirt and hurried back to the window, anxious to see this friend of Kat’s.  
    A green canoe glided through the calm water, coming to rest next to the dock.   His mouth dropped open.   Kat’s African-American friend was larger than a professional linebacker.   Despite his size, he handled a canoe as if he were born in it.   “Figures,” he muttered under his breath.
    He hurried downstairs and stepped onto the porch in time to see Kat launch herself into the giant’s open arms.   An invisible fist punched him in the gut.   Jesus Christ.   He was jealous.   Could things get any more complicated?   Until now, he’d led a straightforward, simple life.   But since the moment he set foot on this damn lake, his life turned topsy-turvy.
    “Hey, Half-Pint.”
    “Cody!   What a great surprise.   Why didn’t you let me know you were coming?”
    “Didn’t know myself till the last minute.”
    Their voices carried to the porch.   Jude zeroed in on Cody’s hands holding Kat by her bottom while she wrapped her legs around his waist.   The hard knot in Jude’s stomach tightened.   Time for action.
    He jumped off the porch and walked toward them.   “Hey, Kat!”
    Cody’s head jerked toward him.   Despite the hostile look sent his way, Jude moved forward.   Kat loosened her legs, sliding down Cody’s body, until her feet touched the wharf.   Before Jude reached the couple, Cody bent his head.   Kat appeared to be whispering in his ear.   Now what was she was up to?   Jude kept walking, ignoring the downright scary look Cody shot his way.
    He stopped at the end of the lawn and waited.   Cody shrugged and reached into his pocket, taking out his wallet.   Puzzled, Jude watched Cody remove something and hand it to Kat, giving him the evil eye.   What in blue blazes was going on?
    The pain in Jude’s stomach intensified when he recognized the small square package Kat held in her hand.   Condoms.   Freaking condoms.   Holy shit.   This couldn’t be happening.   Was she crazy?
    “Come meet Jude.”   Kat pulled Cody along by the arm, her smile of happiness firmly in place.
    “Glad to meet you.” Jude held out a hand in greeting.   Cody ignored it.   The look in his dark eyes didn’t bode well for instant bonding.  
    “Kat, go in the lodge,” Cody’s voice was soft….too damn soft to Jude’s ears.   “Lover boy and I need to have a little chat.”
    Kat pulled herself up to her full five feet, hands on her hips.   “I swear to God, Cody, I won’t tolerate any interference.   I’m well past the age of consent, and I don’t want any advice or lectures from you.   And neither does Jude.”  
    Jude covered his mouth and coughed, trying to hide his smile.   She looked quite ferocious, her small chin jutting out in defiance.  
    Kat turned on her heel and started toward the lodge, before looking back.   “When the two of you are through circling each other like a couple of pit bulls, come in for breakfast.”   Her smile never reached her eyes.   “Watch Red.   He’ll show you how it’s done.   The more trees you pee on, the bigger your territory.”   She slammed the door on her way into the lodge.
    Jude and Cody eyeballed one another for a few seconds before Cody burst out laughing.   “She’s right, man,” Cody admitted.   “Guess I came across as territorial.”   He offered his hand.  
    Jude’s hand disappeared in Cody’s as they shook.  
    “I think the world of Kat,” Cody continued.   “She’s like a sister to me, and I won’t stand for anyone hurting her.   Do I make myself

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