Changing the Rules [Club Libertine 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)

Changing the Rules [Club Libertine 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More) by Diane Leyne Page B

Book: Changing the Rules [Club Libertine 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More) by Diane Leyne Read Free Book Online
Authors: Diane Leyne
Tags: Romance
changed the angle slightly, pulling back. He must have put the camera on a tripod because now she could see him in the shot, walking over to her ass. He had a bottle of lube in his hand. She watched him insert the nozzle into her ass and squirt the cold liquid inside her. She shivered. Then he squirted some more between her cheeks and massaged it into her rosette, lubing it well and loosening it up with his fingers.
    Then he stepped back. She trembled in anticipation.
    She could see Jake walk up. The bulge in is trousers was either arousing or terrifying. He was clearly aroused. But first he was going to hurt her. She saw him examine a number of implements in the punishment cabinet, but couldn’t see what he was looking at. She could see him consulting with Mac and then removing two items from the cupboard. Then he removed his pants, and the largest cock she had ever seen sprang free. It was hard and engorged. She’d never be able to fit it in her ass. She didn’t even know if it would fit in her pussy.
    “Your men tell me you like the riding crop. And I’ll use that to warm your ass up. A crop is generally for beginners, but not the way I wield it. Your ass will be on fire and so will your clit and holes. You are not to come, or I’ll use the leather strap on you, and believe me, if you are new to punishment, you won’t like the strap, not one bit.
    “When I finish whipping your ass, I’m going to fuck it. When I’m done, one of your masters will fuck your pussy and you’ll suck the other one off while I whip your tits with the crop. When they say it’s time, but not before, then you can come. Understand?”
    She nodded. “Yes, Sir.”
    The first strike to her ass came quickly. Jake didn’t waste time. And he also hit a lot harder with the crop than Mac did. Her ass was on fire after the first few strikes and her nipples ached from the jostling the weights were receiving. She closed her eyes and tried to relax her butt muscles. It would hurt less, although less was relative.
    He never hit the same place twice, and she lost count of how many times he struck her with the crop before turning his attention between her legs. His strike on her clit was softer than the ones on her ass, but it still made her clit burn. The cream was running down her legs. Her ass was on fire, but she had never been more aroused, the pain sending flames of pleasure directly to her clit. Her pussy clenched uselessly as he whipped between her legs. She moaned, feeling the little shivers run through her that telegraphed a coming orgasm. Desperately she tried to tamp it down. She couldn’t come.
    He stopped and rubbed a big hand over her ass, spreading the heat. He squeezed her ass cheeks and then dipped a finger into her dripping pussy. And then a second and a third finger. She was exquisitely stretched. He pumped his fingers inside her. She couldn’t help it. Her orgasm slammed through her unexpectedly, her body going rigid before convulsing and wave after wave of pleasure slammed through her. Jake knew exactly how to handle a woman’s body.
    She heard him laugh before she felt the wind from the strap moving through the air just before hit struck her ass. If she thought the crop hurt, the strap set her ass on fire. A half dozen times he brought the strap down on her ass, never in the same place twice. She moaned and he reached between her legs and pinched her clit.
    She found another orgasm slam through her, the ripples continuing, her poor empty pussy desperate to be filled. She tried to move her hips. She felt his body heat behind her and felt the head of his cock being positioned at her back entrance.
    “Make her open her eyes. I want her to watch me take her ass.”
    Suddenly, a hand was pulling on her hair, pulling her head up so she could see the camera. It zoomed in on her reddened ass. She could see the glowing stripes from the strap. She moaned as the man holding her head reached under her to jiggle the nipple clamps and then

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