Chance Encounters

Chance Encounters by Jenna Pizzi Page A

Book: Chance Encounters by Jenna Pizzi Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jenna Pizzi
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sentence, Jacob and Todd walked
out on stage with two acoustic guitars. They started to strum their instruments
as Jacob walked to the microphone. Emma threw her hand over her mouth. “Tell me
he is not going to sing.”
    Lena giggled. “I can’t do that. He’s actually pretty good.
They did a lot of singing together while we were in Europe.”
    As Jacob began singing, someone started in on the keyboard,
and then came the drums. “Jacob says this song has some meaning to it that
you’ll understand. It is a song written by The Plain White T’s,” Lena explained
to her. “You are a very lucky girl, he doesn’t sing to just anyone you know.”
    Lena started to sway her head back and forth to the music.
Emma could only watch Jacob admiringly, and listened to the words from the song
he’d chosen for her:
    “My head is stuck in the clouds, she begs me to come down.
Says, ‘Boy, quit fooling around.’
    I told her, ‘I love the view from up here, warm sun and wind
in my ears.
    We’ll watch the world from above as it turns to the Rhythm
of Love.’
    We may only have tonight. But, ‘til the morning sun you’re
mine, all mine.
    Play the music low, and sway to the Rhythm of love.”
    Emma could feel the words pulse through her body. She felt
as though the song was written just for the two of them, right there, right
then, in this place and time. If she hadn’t felt it earlier, she knew now that
she was falling for this strange, adventurous, wondrous man.
    “When the moon is low, we can dance in slow motion.
    And all your tears will subside, all your tears will dry.
    And long after I’ve gone, you’ll still be humming along.
    And I will keep you in my mind, the way to make love so
    She understood completely what he meant. He wanted them to
have tonight, because tomorrow they don’t know what will happen. He couldn’t
have chosen a better song if he wrote it himself.
    The song ended, and a small crowd in the back of the theater
clapped and hooted. Jacob jumped off the stage and grabbed Emma’s hands,
pulling her up from her chair. Wrapping his arms around her, he bent her over
backwards and kissed her. Lena grasped her hands to her chest and made an
“Ahhh” sound.
    Jacob released Emma and everyone on stage hooted. Todd
walked up beside Lena and threw his arm around her shoulder. “So I bet you
didn’t know our boy here was a musician, too. He never ceases to amaze me. He’s
a jack of all trades.”
    Jacob snorted. “Well I don’t like to brag.”
    “Well now, why don’t you kids head on out. I do believe
Jacob has one last trick up his sleeve. He asked me to arrange something
special for just the two of you at our condo.”
    Once again she winked at Emma, who looked at Jacob in
surprise. Lena smiled. “I know your car won’t be ready until tomorrow, so I
insist that the two of you come and stay with us for tonight. Jacob’s stuff is
there anyway. We won’t be home until really late, so the place is all yours.”
    Emma thanked her graciously.
    “Oh you don’t have to thank me. I always look after my
    Jacob wasted no time; he grabbed Emma’s hand and pulled her
through the now developing crowd.
    They strolled their way back. The moon was shining brightly,
and emanated a romantic glow over the entire city. Emma couldn’t help but
notice that everything seemed different somehow, almost magical. She felt as
though she was seeing things for the first time that she never bothered to notice
before. Such as the way the street lights glistened off the glass of the store
fronts, causing a shimmering glow. Or the way the passing cars and trains added
a rhythmical beat to her steps. Her heart felt light and free for the first
time in a long time and she owed it all to this man. With Jacob, there was no
pressure, no obligations; there was only freedom to see the beauty in the world
around her. She wasn’t sure that she wanted to let go of all of this, but Jacob
hadn’t even tried to bring

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