Catch Me
stand of trees that surrounded the pool. “It’s just right there. I’m not going far.”
    He shook his head. “I can’t allow that.”
    “Come along and guard me if you like. But the only way you’re getting me out of here without having taken a bath first is to handcuff me again.”
    She talked right over him. “Dean, please.” She slid her hand out from under his and grabbed his wrist. “I’ve no idea how long I’ll be stuck in Yuma. Give me this, at least.” It was nothing but truth. If Masterson had his way, she’d likely go grey and wrinkled in the Yuma Territorial Prison. When an opportunity presented itself for a bath, like a gift from the heavens, she’d take it.
    If losing her family taught her anything, it was that moments fled a tight grasp. She meant to touch something beautiful.
    His eyes searched her face, as if looking for escape plans. “All right.” His thick chest lifted with a sigh. “But I won’t let you out of my sight. Not even for a second.”
    “Fine.” She yanked a clean shirt from her bag, along with a bundled set of undergarments. “But put a shirt on. You’re indecent.” And tempting.
    His expression lightened and for a moment she thought he might laugh again like he had on the riverbank. But he only shook his head as he walked away to grab his shirt from the branch he’d tossed it over. Maggie didn’t watch as he shrugged into it. She didn’t.
    Andrew smirked but only said he’d take a nap when they told him of the plan. But when Dean’s back was turned, he winked at her.
    Disgusted, Maggie marched into the woods. What in the world was wrong with everyone? The last thing in the world she needed was his approval.
    Dean followed Maggie closely as she slipped through the trees. A carpet of leaves muffled her steps, but she walked as quietly as a ghost.
    Or maybe it was just Dean with ghosts on his mind.
    As if being in intimate company of a woman wasn’t enough, he’d acquired his brother for the rest of the trip. Andrew hadn’t said a word about Annie or Jack, but his mere presence sparked memories and regrets. He’d failed her, and the haunting smell of cold blood wound through his every breath. He’d put his full energy into chopping the wood for Mrs. Savoy but all that had done was exhaust his body. His mind still tumbled and churned.
    Maggie came to an abrupt halt that nearly left Dean running into her ass. “How nice,” she breathed.
    “Indeed.” She did have a fine backside. Pert and rounded, just enough to fill a man’s hands.
    “I’m going to have to watch my toes.”
    He shook free of the visions of bending her over until her palms came up flat against a tree. “What? What’s that?”
    “This pond.” She swept an arm out. “It doesn’t look quite right. I think beavers had a hand in it.”
    She was right. A sharp bend in the creek had been augmented with layered and woven sticks and branches, so that a pool had filled. The bend had eaten away at the bank on the near side and the ground beneath the trees fell sharply away. On the other bank, however, a tiny grassy area remained. All in all, it made a cozy little trysting spot.
    Not that he had any intention of making full use of the possibilities.
    “Come on,” he said, and took the bundle of cloth from her arms. He led the way over the makeshift dam, and it only took a few steps to get across.
    She bent to dip her fingers in the water, then grinned over her shoulder at him. “It’s perfect. I can’t wait to get in.”
    Dean only stood there like a rock, dumbfounded. With her reckless grin, the reality of her plan had only just sunk in. Was he truly going to stand guard while this little hellcat took a bath out in the open? Until then, he’d half thought she meant simply cleaning up, not a full immersion. He looked down at the bundle he had. Mostly useful, sturdy cloth, a tiny piece of lace stuck out from the middle of the knot of clothing and perched on top was a

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