Catastrophe Practice

Catastrophe Practice by Nicholas Mosley Page A

Book: Catastrophe Practice by Nicholas Mosley Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nicholas Mosley
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dooropen behind him: he touches the food-hatch, the bar, as if they might not be real
    Through the gothic door which Geordie has left open there can be glimpsed the figures of the two Hostesses, off-stage. The younger Hostess seems to have her hand on a light switch. Then the older Hostess ducks out of sight
What’s the treatment?
See if you can spot it —
    The neon lights go off
    There is a dim light from beyond the plate-glass window
    After a time, the older Hostess comes in through the gothic door. She stands in the centre of the stage, with one hand across her chest, as if posing. Then a spotlight comes on her from the flies
Hullo —
Hullo —
I was afraid you might not remember me —
Oh yes. I believed everything you said, you see —
What did I see?
I loved you, would never leave you —
I said that?
    The light from behind the window becomes brighter
    The older Hostess begins to undress
    Harry says as if amused —
— The front knee slightly bent. The arms in the position of a man in —
— Power —
— Pain —
— Power! —
    She stops undressing
    Harry is looking up at the flies
    After a time the Hostess turns to the bar at the back
This is impossible!
    The spotlight goes off
    At the bar, the Barman and the Char, together with Norbert, seem surreptitiously to have been having a drink. They seem to try to hide their glasses. Then they gather round Geordie, who seems to be ill
He wants to keep all his balls up in the air at the same time —
— Bitte, wo ist die Toilette —
— Chocolates, cigarettes — !
— Son équipe de football a gagné une grande victoire —
    The Hostess turns to Bert —
The curtain —
Customs —
    From the bar, there is a sound of giggling
    The plate-glass window has become brighter
    Harry looks towards the plate-glass. He calls —
Sophie — !
    The younger Hostess answers from the wings,
    right —
    Harry looks at the audience
War has been declared!
    The light from behind the plate-glass becomes brighter
    Harry goes and stands with his back to the plate-glass window. He turns and faces the older Hostess, to the left. He puts a hand to his eyes, as if to shield them from light, but the light is behind him
    The Hostess turns to Harry. She is in her underclothes. She strikes a seductive pose, her hands behind her, leaning back against the tables and chairs
Do you want me blindfold?
    Harry takes his hand from his eyes and puts it inhis pocket. It is as if he might hold a pistol there. He is smiling. Then the Hostess leans forward with her arms behind her like a bird
    Shall I say my prayers?
    Bert leaves his chair and goes to the wings, front left, and picks up a rifle there and seems to load it. Harry murmurs —
We’ve only got ten minutes!
    He seems about to take his hand out of his pocket Then the light from the plate-glass window becomes blinding. Harry leans forward peering at the Hostess
You’re my wife?
    Bert sits on the ground with his rifle, with his back against the proscenium arch, left
    The Hostess, with her back to Bert, and facing Harry, stretches her hands out towards him
You’re my child?
    A second CURTAIN, the colour of gold, comes down

    Bert is still sitting with his back against the proscenium arch, left. He holds the rifle on his knees. He appears to doze
    The CURTAIN rises
    SCENE: the same. The stage is still lit, but not so brightly, from light beyond the plate-glass window. Waldorf, Smudger and Norbert are by the window looking out. They cast long shadows to the opposite wall. Geordie is sitting against the wall by the machine, right
    The Barman and the Char are at the bar, as if poring over

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