Cassie's Hope (Riders Up)

Cassie's Hope (Riders Up) by Adriana Kraft Page A

Book: Cassie's Hope (Riders Up) by Adriana Kraft Read Free Book Online
Authors: Adriana Kraft
“Oh god, yes!”
     Her body went
rigid and then collapsed against him. “No more,” she whimpered. “Please. No
more. Give me time. I’ll be back. Trust me.”
    - o -
    Clint eased his
fingers out of her heat and held her close. Her body convulsed. It seemed to
take forever for her breathing to steady. He wasn’t certain he’d ever been
closer to a woman’s orgasm. She’d been so hot, so vital, so alive. Clint held
her tight, not wanting to lose their bond.
    “I need you in me,”
she whispered a few minutes later.
    “Okay.” He quickly shed
his clothes and lay back down beside her.
    “Can we just lie
here and watch the fire?” she asked, turning onto her side and pushing her
backside against him. Her voice seemed smaller than normal.
    “Sure. That sounds
fine.” He cuddled her body until they were snug. His stiffness rested on the
rise of her buttocks. They lay there like that for several minutes, each of
them watching the flames, both lost in their own thoughts.
    He inhaled deeply. He
loved the smell of her, the feel of her. He loved the fact that she could be
wildly sexy at times and so quiet and comforting at others. She was so warm and
toasty he was afraid he might melt into her like butter.
    She reached a hand
between her legs and sought him out. He shifted lower and she guided him to her
pussy. He cupped her to him, seating himself fully in her sex.
    She sighed heavily.
“That feels wonderful. I’m not sure I can get enough of this. I’m yours, do
with me what you want.”
    Her words washed
over him. He eased back and then forward. He slowed and quickened. Her
breathing changed to soft panting.
    “I’m going to come
    He smiled at her
announcement—as if he couldn’t tell. Steadily, he stayed the course.
    “Oh god,“ she moaned.
“So deep. Fuck me. So good.”
    Clint didn’t let
her catch her breath this time. His hips pistoned against her shapely butt until
he filled her with his wanting and she called out his name in thanksgiving.
    He held her. Remaining
joined, they dozed.
    Clint awoke still
nestled against her body. Carefully, he withdrew his still semi-hard cock,
retrieved a blanket and covered his naked lover.
    After getting a
beer from the kitchen, he sat on the livening room couch studying Cassie as she
slept soundly, seemingly fully sated at last.
    He’d been startled
by her words I’m yours, do with me what you want . Did she know what she
was saying? Were they just words of lovemaking? Were they words intended for
his ears? He doubted that.
    How had he let this
woman get in his blood so quickly? He truly loved giving her pleasure. She was
so gloriously responsive. What they shared didn’t happen often—he knew that for
a fact.
    What the hell was
he going to do about it? And did she have even a glimmer of an idea what was
possible for them? Probably not. She’d been so determined to define them from
the beginning as a fling.
    He’d had flings
before, and this wasn’t feeling like one of those. This woman was different. He
liked the way she laughed. He liked the way she embraced new experiences. He
liked the way she felt in his arms, like liquid fire. He even liked her saucy temper.
Cassidy O’Hanlon was something else, and Clint wasn’t sure he wanted to let her
come and go as easily as she’d planned. Yet, realistically, what more could he
expect from her than a fling?
    Clint drained the
bottle, stretched out on the floor, pulled up a blanket, and fell into a fitful
sleep. Beside him Cassie slept peacefully with no awareness of the shadows
chasing her lover.

    Should she be
annoyed? They were driving out his driveway after breakfast and Cassie was
aware she’d never made it to his bedroom. She still had no idea what kind of
bed the man slept in. Of course, more importantly, she knew how he was in bed—damn
    She watched the
high desert go by out the passenger window. A row of green trees marked a
meandering stream in

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