Carried Away

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Authors: Anna Markland
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Aidan. Born in AMOV. Heroine of CA
Boden —English mastiff in ILDE
Bolton —Village in Northumbria; location of Kirkthwaite Hall
Bonhomme —Normans; family name of the stewards of Montbryce and Ellesmere.
Brigantia —English mastiff in ILDE
Brindis —Horse belonging to Ram de Montbryce in CP
Caedmon Brice (Woolgar) FitzRam —Illegitimate son of Ram de Montbryce and Ascha Woolgar. Appears in CP, PIB & CA; hero of AMOV
Caryl Penarth —Welsh healer; appears in CP and DP
Carys verch Rhodri —Welsh; healer; daughter of Rhodri and wife of Baudoin de Montbryce. Becomes 2nd Countess of Ellesmere. Appears in PIB, DP and DB
Catherine de Montbryce —Daughter of Robert and Dorianne PIB
Commote —A Welsh area of administration, similar to a county.
Cormant —Normans; family name of stewards at Alensonne in CP and at East Preston in ILDE
Coventina Brightmore —Saxon; friend of hero and heroine in AMOV; marries Leofric Deacon
Curia regis —Latin for King’s Court ILDE
Dda —Welsh surname of Rhonwen and Myfanwy; CP and DP and DB
de Valtesse —Maiden surname of heroine of CP
Denis de Sancerre —Angevin; son of Sybilla and adopted son of Antoine de Montbryce; dwarf ILDE & PIB
Devona Melton —Saxon; heroine of ILDE; marries Hugh de Montbryce
Dieter Von Wolfenberg —German hero of CA; married Blythe FitzRam
Dorianne de Giroux —Norman heroine of PIB; marries Robert de Montbryce
Earl of Chester —Hugh d’Avranches. Historical figure. Known by the Welsh as Hugh Vras (the Fat) PIB, DB
Edgar the Aetheling —Saxon; historical figure. Claimant to throne of England taken by William the Conqueror. Aetheling is a Saxon term for “next in line”; appears in CP and AMOV
Edwin FitzRam —English; brother of Blythe, Aidan and Ragna; son of Caedmon and Agneta
Elenor de Giroux —Norman; mother of Dorianne de Giroux; wife of Francois. PIB
Ellesmere —Location of castle given to Ram as a reward by William the Conqueror. Ram and Mabelle eventually turn a derelict Anglo-Saxon earthwork into a vibrant, thriving castle.
Emrys —Cook at llys Powwydd. DB
Enid —Saxon maid of Ascha Woolgar. CP & AMOV
Espérance —Cat who brings solace to Robert de Montbryce during his solitary confinement. The word means ‘hope’. PIB
Etienne Robert de Montbryce —Second son of Baudoin and Carys; DB
Fernand Bonhomme —Norman; second generation of his family to be steward of Montbryce Castle. Father of Mathieu and Honore. Married to Vangeline.
FitzRam —Norman patronymic surname bestowed on Caedmon by Ram. AMOV
Fleurie Mabelle de Montbryce —Daughter of Baudoin and Carys. Her mother almost dies giving birth to her. DB
Fortis —Black stallion; Ram’s favourite mount; saves his life at Hastings CP
François de Giroux —Norman father of Dorianne and Pierre de Giroux PIB; sworn enemy of the Montbryces ILDE
Frederika —Dieter’s first wife, CA
Gallien Rambaud de Montbryce —Eldest son of Baudoin and Carys DB
Gareth Bronson —Saxon brother of Ascha Woolgar; takes Ascha to Scotland. CP & AMOV
Gawain Bronson —Saxon nephew of Ascha Woolgar; CP & AMOV
Gervais —Norman soldier; Ram’s second in command; CP & DP
Gerwint Isembart de Montbryce (Izzy) —Second son of Hugh and Devona. Named for his grandfather and great grandfather, and the rat catcher, Joubert. Prefers to be called Izzy.PIB
Gerwint Melton —ILDE Saxon grandfather of heroine
Gicotte —Norman soldier at Montbryce Castle; PIB
Giroux —Norman surname of the family sworn to avenge Guillaume de Valtesse's cruelty to their ancestor; CP, ILDE & PIB
Giselle —Norman maidservant who accompanies Mabelle to England and becomes chatelaine of Ellesmere; kidnapped with Mabelle; CP
Glain verch Llewelyn —Welsh bonesetter in DB
Guillaume de Valtesse —Norman father of Mabelle; his cruelty begins the feud between the Valtesses and the Giroux family; CP
Hastings —Site in Southern England of a historic battle in 1066 that changed the history of England and Normandy CP
Heinrich —Historical figure;

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