Carnal Harvest

Carnal Harvest by Robin L. Rotham Page B

Book: Carnal Harvest by Robin L. Rotham Read Free Book Online
Authors: Robin L. Rotham
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    “Among other things.” Hake put his cap back on and tugged the bill down low over his eyes.
    “Holy shit.” Brent laughed out loud. “Hot damn, I knew she was a firecracker.”
    “What the hell’s that supposed to mean?”
    “Hey now, don’t go gettin’ all caveman on my ass,” Brent said. “I just meant that there’s obviously a lot under the surface with her. You’re always too much of a gentleman to say anything, but I figured you two must have a pretty good time in the sack.”
    “Yeah, we do. Or we did.” Hake tucked his hands back into his pockets. “Injuries like mine take a long time to heal and I haven’t really been up to it yet. Mandy’s been working hard, doing double duty, and I just… Well, I think she deserves something extra-special.”
    Brent’s expression sharpened. “I don’t think I follow you.”
    “I think you do.”
    “Spell it out for me anyway.”
    “Okay.” Hake took a deep breath, wondering what the fuck he was about to do to his marriage. “I want you and Joe to do a three-way with her.”

    Robin L. Rotham
    Brent blinked at him again and then walked over to the gate. Resting his forearms on the top rail, he propped a boot on a lower rail and looked out over the cattle yard.
    “What about you?”
    “What about me?” Hake asked, joining him at the gate. Even from here, he could see there was still ground corn in the feed bunks, which meant he could move in the self-feeders anytime. Mandy’d be thrilled spitless to hear her days of carrying thirty pails of feed twice a day were just about over.
    One of the heifers tried to mount up on a steer and a smile tickled the corners of Hake’s mouth. If Mandy were out here, she’d exclaim for the hundredth time, “See!
    Even the cattle know gender roles aren’t cast in stone.”
    She’d grown up in San Francisco, and though she thought rural America was a great place to raise a kid, sometimes the pervasive intolerance drove her right up a wall.
    There wasn’t much she could do about the way folks around here thought, but she’d done her level best to adjust his attitude over the years and she’d made sure they raised their son to be more accepting of different lifestyles.
    “You said three-way,” Brent said. “What are you supposed to be doing while Joe and I double-team your wife?”
    Heat rose in Hake’s neck. “Watching. Like I said, I’m not much good for anything else these days.”
    Brent finally gave him a dubious grin. “Watching, huh? And Mandy’s okay with that?”
    “Well, I haven’t—”
    “In other words, no.”
    “We’ve talked about it,” Hake said quickly. “Just not about you and Joe specifically.
    To tell you the truth, we’ve toyed with the idea of a trip to the Maverick Ranch and I really think she’s game, but…”
    “That’s your fantasy, not hers,” Brent finished.

    Carnal Harvest
    “Right. Women are the only item on the menu at the Maverick Ranch, which is a damn shame.” Hake huffed a laugh, shaking his head as he tucked his hands tighter into his jacket pockets. “Hell, I can’t believe I said that. It’s just a damn shame there’s no male prostitutes for my wife to fuck at the Maverick Ranch .”
    “Mandy ain’t your daddy’s farm wife,” Brent said with a big grin.
    “You can say that again.” Hake looked at him seriously. “I really think she’d be up for this. I’ve seen her checking out your ass.”
    Brent’s brows rose. “Really? ‘Cause I’ve checked hers out a few times.”
    “Yeah, I noticed that, too,” Hake said dryly.
    “So what are we talking about here? There’s a lot three people can do together.”
    “Well, probably everything you can fit into one night.”
    “You ever fucked her ass?”
    Hake narrowed his eyes. Under any other circumstances, he’s have put his cousin’s lights out for asking a question like that. Instead, he drawled, “Yeah.”
    “She likes it?”
    “I wouldn’t do it if she

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