Carinae Sector: 01 - Traders' Scourge - Part 3 - New Shores

Carinae Sector: 01 - Traders' Scourge - Part 3 - New Shores by David Buck Page B

Book: Carinae Sector: 01 - Traders' Scourge - Part 3 - New Shores by David Buck Read Free Book Online
Authors: David Buck
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know the story of the serpent, and the thunder and rain, new life, of old lands lost and new lands remade?’
    Ian looked around at the assembled humans and replied.
    ‘We have been stewards of the island continent for many thousands of years. The harsh land has shaped our people and our outlook. Our peoples have never forgotten the earlier times.’
    The probe considered the reply and beams of blue light suddenly appeared between all the landed Maveen probes. The humans looked around with concern, but then took their lead from Captain Narindestat as he now hurriedly spoke.
    ‘Prime minister, the probes now speak between themselves via the blue lasers. I do not know when the lead probe will speak again. Now we have a busy day ahead of us as we need to move your trade items, including your two ships, to safety on another island nearby so we can launch from here with destroying them.’
    Ian looked over at the damaged ships and the equipment stockpile as the Maveen lead probe now spoke again.
    ‘We request that the prime minister and human known as Rebecca remain and speak with us. You do not need all the humans to help you with your own tasks. Captain you must never repeat this conversation to any of the vassal races, and I also strongly advise the humans to keep this discussion private.’
    Captain Narindestat and Steve led the others away as Ian and Rebecca stayed to talk with the Maveen. Dan gave Rebecca a long look and she flashed him a reassuring smile as the Maveen lead probe spoke again.
    ‘Firstly, note that we took many species off world, but we were forbidden by our directives from taking primitive humans with us to other worlds. We do not claim to be gods as that is against our prime directives for dealing with young biological sentient races. However we respect your free will if you still choose to revere or worship us…’
    The mission team was now divided in four groups and each group was helped aboard a sneak ship. In moments they had been secured to the cargo hold sides with short cables, as heavier cables were then attached to the two damaged ships the humans now owned. The four sneak ships paired off as they previously had done and after a delay while the attachments were checked, the two pairs of ships had then lifted the damaged ships into the air before slowly flying across the twenty kilometres to Rat Island.
    Steve pointed to a location to the east of the runway on the now deserted island and the two damaged ships were gently lowered down. The Trader crew landed their ships and recovered their heavier cables, and Steve placed a call to Jane Walker on HMAS Sydney, who answered immediately.
    ‘Steve, I can see four ships moving things to Rat Island, is that were you are now?’
    Steve looked around and he could see Garendestat walking over to check the runway out as he replied.
    ‘Jane, we are returning to ferry across the other equipment we now own so the main ship can launch and not incinerate these items. After we finish this afternoon can you please send across a detachment to guard the items? They may get wet though when the main ship launches, but they should be safe enough from the exhaust plume.’
    Jane and Steve talked for a few minutes more as the Traders finished their work. As they boarded the sneak ship again, Steve advised Garendestat of the arrival on Rat Island of a small amount of human soldiers at a later stage. Garendestat did not look concerned as he now informed Marenkestat, who was piloting the sneak ship. After several more minutes they arrived back on Middle Island and were met by several Traders driving waldo units and carrying the smaller trade items.
    Steve looked across at the Maveen ships and noted that Ian and Rebecca were still in discussions with the lead probe. The waldo operators unhurriedly moved the guns, shields and generators into the holds of the four ships. With the items split amongst four ships there was plenty of space for the humans, and they filed back on

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