Capturing the Single Dad’s Heart

Capturing the Single Dad’s Heart by Kate Hardy Page A

Book: Capturing the Single Dad’s Heart by Kate Hardy Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kate Hardy
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    â€˜I think I’ll stick to my good old-fashioned breakfast tea,’ he said. Because the idea of drinking from a cup where her lips had just touched sent a shiver of pure desire running through him, and he needed to stop this right now.
    But it got worse when they started some teasing bickering about the proper way to eat scones, and whether the cream or the jam should go on first. Because then Nate and Erin reached for a scone at the same time and their fingers brushed against each other. Nate’s skin tingled where they’d touched, and his whole body felt incredibly aware of hers. Maybe he should’ve sat next to her instead of opposite her—because then he wouldn’t have to look at her and wonder what it would be like to touch his mouth to hers. Then again, sitting next to her would’ve been just as bad, because then his foot might’ve ended up brushing against hers...
    He needed a cold shower.
    But for now, concentrating on his cup of tea would have to do.
    * * *
    The following Tuesday morning, Erin let herself into her brother’s flat. ‘Hey, Mikey.’
    He looked up from his computer. ‘Hey, it’s my favourite sister.’
    â€˜Your only sister,’ she corrected.
    â€˜But you’re still my favourite.’ He smiled at her. ‘Would that be a box of freshly baked cookies I spy in your hand?’
    â€˜I made most of them for the bake sale at work later today, but I earmarked these ones for you,’ she said. ‘Though you have to save at least one for Louisa. And I’ve already texted her to say I made cookies, so she’ll know if you scoff the lot.’
    â€˜True. I’ll make us some tea to go with them.’ He saved his file, wheeled himself into the kitchen and made tea.
    Yet again Erin noticed how matter-of-fact Mikey was about his situation. He didn’t let his disability get in the way. Then again, she supposed he’d had fourteen years to get used to being in a wheelchair.
    â€˜How’s the sensory garden doing?’ Mikey asked.
    â€˜Really well. The structure’s almost there, and we’re going to start planting things, next week.’
    â€˜Has the new guy at work stopped giving you a hard time about it?’
    Erin squirmed. Why had she opened her mouth to her brother about that in the first place? ‘Uh-huh.’
    â€˜Spill,’ he said.
    She tried for innocence. ‘Spill what?’
    â€˜I’ve known you since you were two hours old,’ he reminded her, ‘so you can’t flannel me. What’s the deal with this guy?’
    â€˜There’s no deal.’ That bit was true. ‘Nate and I are friends.’
    â€˜As in “just good”?’ Mikey asked wryly.
    Erin nodded. ‘We can’t be any more than that.’
    â€˜Why not?’
    â€˜Because his ex-wife has just sent their thirteen-year-old daughter to live with him.’
    Mikey winced in sympathy. ‘Ah. I take it you’re seeing yourself, from the time when Mum kicked you out?’
    â€˜Yes and no. Caitlin’s a nice kid, actually. Her mum’s new husband isn’t quite as bad as Creepy Leonard was. It seems that he just doesn’t want the bother of having a teenager around or having to share her mother’s attention.’
    â€˜And she gets on OK with her dad?’
    â€˜It’s getting better. We found some common ground between them.’ Erin laughed. ‘Ironically, it was the sensory garden. So I guess that’s why he’s had to come round to my way of thinking on the subject.’
    Mikey wheeled his chair over to her and gave her a hug. ‘Erin, you don’t have to rescue everyone, you know.’
    â€˜I’m not trying to rescue anyone,’ she fibbed.
    â€˜You can’t change the past,’ he said, ‘but you’ve more than learned from it. I know Mum blames you for what happened, but I don’t, and as the one

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