Capturing the Pirate's Heart (The Emerald Quest Book 1)

Capturing the Pirate's Heart (The Emerald Quest Book 1) by Annie Seaton Page B

Book: Capturing the Pirate's Heart (The Emerald Quest Book 1) by Annie Seaton Read Free Book Online
Authors: Annie Seaton
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    “It’s all right, Jake. Seb—I mean the captain—is taking care of me.”
    Sébastien grabbed the boy’s shoulders as he clung to Madeleine’s
fingers. “’Tis all good, Jake. Your loyalty is admirable.” His instincts had
been right. This boy was of good stock. “But you must help me keep Miss
Madeleine safe. Can you do that? There is good reason for her to be dressed
like this.” His lips twitched and he fought the smile that finally tugged at
his mouth as he appreciated her skill in transforming herself into a pirate’s
wench. “You are certainly a skilled dressmaker, Madeleine.”
    Sébastien forced himself to look away as Madeleine bent down to the
young lad and put her arms around his shoulders as she hugged him in welcome.
From where he was standing, he looked down the front of her loose chemise, to
the tops of her rounded, creamy breasts, and the blood rushed straight to his
groin. With a muttered oath, he turned and strode across to the table, pulling
out two chairs, angry at the reaction of his body. It was as though they were
two children play-acting, and had no idea of the danger that was ahead.
    “Both of you sit here. Now. ” A feeling of doom set in his
bones which did not bode well for the mission ahead. “I don’t have time for
    There was no way he would allow these two young and innocent
passengers on his vessel to interfere with the success of his mission. His
future depended on it being successful. If needs be, he would imprison them
both down here for the entire voyage and they could put up with being below
deck for as long as it took to follow the governor’s instructions.
    The burden of keeping Madeleine safe was not going to take away from
the success of this, his final mission. That was his quandary.
    Madeleine looked across at Sébastien and a shiver ran down her back
as her gaze settled on his face. His expression was thunderous and the kind
expression she had become used to had left his eyes dark and glittering. Two
hard lines were etched on either side of his mouth. Forcing herself to look
away from his strong, handsome face, she stepped over to the table and sat on
the chair he indicated, and Jake was not far behind her. Turning her head, she
studied Sébastien’s profile. His dark eyes were framed by long lashes, and his
tanned skin gave him a rakish look. She was tempted to run her fingers over his
chin, to feel the roughness of his chin, to see if the danger he emanated was
    But they sat there quietly, and it was almost as though they were
two naughty children in the school room about to be chastised by the
schoolmaster. Madeleine stifled a grin. She was well used to that. Father had
allowed her to attend the village school and her determination, and her sense
of justice, had seen her in trouble on more than one occasion. She lifted her
chin and held Sébastien’s steely gaze. She would not allow him to intimidate
her. No one would tell her what to do. She had had enough of that from Uncle
Titus. She would be independent and make her own decisions from this time on.
    The cabin was quiet and only the loud drumming of his fingers on the
wooden table broke the silence. He observed them for a long moment before he
finally spoke. Despite his silence and his fierce expression, Madeleine did not
look away.
    “Not doing exactly what I say could result in your death.” His voice
was cold and hard. “Do you understand what I am saying?”
    Madeleine wet her lips and noticed Sébastien’s eyes follow the
movement of her tongue. Somehow being dressed in these clothes—if they could
even be called clothes—bolstered her courage and an unfamiliar loose feeling
ran through her limbs. It was as though the removal of her constraining corset
and dress had freed her modesty as well.
    “Well, Madame?” He stared her down and she lowered her gaze to look
at him beneath her lids. “What say you?”
    “Yes…Captain.” She kept her voice firm

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